Oh, God, I would do anything for you, Tay. Drew closed his eyes and found the flap on the front of Taylor's boxers . . . .

"No, wait . . ." Tay suddenly begged, feeling nauseated, the room suddenly spinning around him. This isn't right, he was thinking, forgetting about Drew's hand still in his pants, and clung to Drew tightly in order to stop the spinning of the room.

"Ow! Tay, that hurts!" Drew winced as Taylor's fingers dug into his arms, hard. Then, he caught the frightened, far-off look on Tay's face. "Tay?" No answer. Drew's heart began to sink farther and farther into his stomach. He didn't want to do this after all. I'm so stupid. I thought he wanted me to. "Tay, I'm really sorry. I won't do it anymore. I'm stopping." Drew zipped up Taylor's pants for him. Taylor began to lean heavily on Drew. "Tay? You okay? Hey, Taylor. TAY! Snap out of it!"

There's something wrong with him.

"Taylor, are you drunk or something?" he asked, recognizing the symptoms of having poor balance and unawareness of what he was doing.

Drew began to pull Taylor, who was stumbling, off the dance floor.

"Oh, shit, Tay, what the hell are you on?" Drew gasped, sitting Taylor down near the floor in one of the empty tables and sighing. Taylor clutched his stomach and his head, and crawled far, far back into the back of his mind, reatreating from the pulsating music of the dance floor.

Every pound of the bass now was sending him into waves of confusion. He was caught in the undertow of sensory disorientation, and was barely aware of getting into his jeep a few minutes later, not aware of Drew searching his pants pockets for the keys to the jeep, and on the way home, he passed out completely.

"Tay? Hey! Oh, shit," Drew sighed, wondering what on earth and hell the always "hey guys, let's get high on life" Taylor was on. He didn't drive to Taylor's house, however. He drove Taylor to his house.

[part three]

Drew sighed heavily at the slender body laying on its side on his bed, breathing deeply and remaining still. He had been so relieved as he pulled into his driveway to see that his parents had gone out to dinner and their swing-dancing lesson, so he'd had no trouble with them while he'd struggled to get Taylor up the stairs to his bedroom.

Did any of that ever really happen, or was it just another weird dream? he asked himself, switching off the main light and turning on the small lamp in the corner of the room as to not disturb Taylor. At least he's in my bed, he joked to himself, chiding himself at his stupid joke, and flipping on the television. He sat in the recliner in front of it and began to consider to himself what to watch.

"Gee, my ever-extensive collection of Disney movies, or a porn? Whatever am I to do?" Drew asked out loud, sarcastically, pulling at his hair in pretense of not knowing what he should do. "Oh, Sleeping Beauty is definitely better than Mistress Claus and Her Submissive Elves."

Drew stole another look at Taylor and stopped himself from making a Sleeping Beauty joke.

"I need a girlfriend," he muttered, and slid in a tape he'd yoinked from his parents. Soon, the hypnotic beat of the music in the movie calmed him, and he forgot about Taylor behind him. Seeing the chick in the white bikini-cut briefs with the sagging chest and the middle-aged business man with the white ass that she was fucking didn't offer him too much excitement; he had to admit his own fantasies were so much better than this that it was funny. While the movie was playing he let himself slide into one of his infamous, improbable situations, and unbuckled his belt. Loosening it, he absemtmindedly undid the button on his slacks, too. Next came the zipper. His hard-on didn't need any urging to come out.

Meanwhile, Taylor was surfacing from the dark black lake of confusion he'd been scuba diving in for an hour or so. Some sort of dark, muggy cloud had taken over his train of thought, and he'd just let it go. He wasn't thinking at all; for some reason, he couldn't. Every once in a while, as if it was a dream, his mind would replay the events that had occured at Roadkill Heaven. Then, for the life of him, he couldn't remember what had happened after that, and the loop would start again with Isaac knocking on his door asking if he wanted to go get some ice cream.

Finally, the awareness that was creeping into his brain let him know that he was laying on his bed. Then, the cold reality of the many chokers he was wearing made him shiver a little. His next thought was that he smelled like the smoke and steam of Roadkill Heaven, and his nose crinkled up a little. He didn't open his eyes, though, and as some random thoughts began to stream along, he was thankful for the reanimation of the portion of his brain that produced them that had been paralyzed by the headache he'd had earlier.

God, it feels like I'm doped up on cough syrup, he realized, and waited a moment for the next thought to appear.

Am I at home in my bed? My shoes are still on.

Finally daring to open his eyes, wanting to see what time it was, Taylor saw that he wasn't in his room, but rather in someone else's familiar room that he couldn't place just yet. Stereo. Drums in the corner. Bad Religion concert poster. Tay randomly ticked items in the room off in his head until he recognized the fact that Drew played the drums. Drew's room? Something clicked. I was with Drew at Roadkill Heaven tonight. Last night. What time is it? And why am I here? What happened?

Then, a blush began to creep into his cheeks. He remembered what happened. He remembered with striking clarity what happened. He closed his eyes again. Drew touched me, he thought, even trying to keep his thoughts quiet, fearing that they were so loud that everyone could hear them being thought. Oh my God, then what happened? I'm still wearing shoes. That means I'm still wearing clothes. Yeah. Yeah, there's my sleeve. What - what happened? I have no idea!! It's all blank after that!

Suddenly, he sat up on the bed he was laying on, and fighting an onslaught of dizziness, he discovered that Drew was sitting in the old armchair in front of the television that was in his room, watching some movie with two chicks getting it on.

Drew was off in his own little fantasy land, not even watching the porn, his eyes staring blankly off in the distance, making up his own continuation to Drew and Tay's little escapades on the floor at Roadkill. Taylor stared at Drew's light blond hair in the light of the pulsating porn. It seemed a little warmer in the room to Tay all of a sudden, and, realizing his blue shirt had already been taken off his body, he felt the urge to take his white tee shirt off, too.

Cautiously he did so, seeing if Drew would snap out of his trance and realize he was awake, but he didn't, and remained still where he was sitting. Taylor suddenly narrowed his eyes and perked up his ears as he dropped his tee shirt down the side of the bed. The arm chair was squeaking a little bit in a rhythmic pattern. Taylor gulped, but grinned in spite of himself. He thinks I'm still asleep. Then, Tay looked down, and became shocked at himself when he discovered a slight erection forming beneath his blue Dickies.

Calm down, he told himself, reaching his hand down his pants and pulling his hot, half-stiffened dick up beneath his beltline so his erection wouldn't show as much. Then Tay suddenly got up, and ventured dizzily over to where Drew was sitting.

"Oh, shit, Tay, you scared me," Drew yelped, tucking his dick back into his boxers - not that it helped, became his boxers stuck out in a tent over his crotch. Taylor smiled, his eyes lingering for only a second in the enticing lump.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to."

"Taylor fucking Hanson, what the hell was wrong with you tonight? You passed out in the jeep! Are you on some kind of magic pixie dust or something?" Drew wanted to know, catching onto Taylor eyeing his hard-on. It just made him have the desperate urge to whip it back out and beat it with Tay watching, but he used what little restraint he had to put his hand on the arm of the chair and grip it tightly.

"What? You know I hate that shit, ANdrew. I think it was that weird steam that was on the dance floor at Roadkill Heaven." Taylor searched for a place to sit, but there was none, so he leaned against the armchair a little, still not wanting to stand.

"You looked pretty tripped out to me," commented Drew. "I saw you chugging down that drink earlier. What was it, dude, vodka or something?"

Taylor shrugged. "It was Cherry Coke. I'm fine." He looked at the porn on the TV, and wasn't interested, then back to Drew's unbuckled belt and slacks that were slid down around his thighs.

"Some magic pixie Cherry Coke," Drew corrected.

"I'm really okay," Tay laughed.

"Yeah, after you drooled all over my bed, right?" Drew stared up at Tay and realized he was staring at his dishevled clothing. On an impulse, he kicked off his slacks and said, "I was just-"

"Yeah, I know what you were just doing, Drew," Taylor grinned.

Drew had to grin, too, and sighed, bracing himself to confront Taylor now that the subject was easier to get to. "Could you blame me, Tay? I've had a hard-on all night. You know that."

Taylor looked away.

"Tay, do you even remember anything that happened last night?" Drew asked softly.

"No," Taylor said, his face expressionless.

Drew's heart plunged again and he shook his head slowly. I should have known better than to let myself do that, he gently blamed himself. I should have known better than to let myself feel that way towards him.

Taylor sighed softly and searched Drew's face, letting his blue eyes gaze at Drew's green ones. His heartbeat increased suddenly as he blurted, "No, wait, Drew . . . I was lying - yes. Yes, I do remember last night."

Drew looked at Taylor timidly. "And?"

Tay realized his fingers were shaking nervously. "And . . . I have to tell you something."

Drew closed his eyes. "Tay - Taylor . . . just tell me, okay? I know. I know you don't like me like I like you, and I know I shouldn't have even done that back there. So just tell me."

"No, no," whispered Taylor. "That's not what I wanted to say. No, I wanted you to do that. Wow, that wasn't hard to say at all." Tay looked at Drew. "Oh, didn't mean to say that last part out loud just now."

"So - you don't hate me?" he asked Tay, afraid, his knuckles on his hand that was gripping the arm of the chair turning white in the desperate clutch he had on the fabric.

"Oh, no, Drew. I could never hate you. Not even close."

Suddenly, Taylor climbed over a now-shocked Drew's lap and took his face his hands. Drew's eyes fluttered open to see Taylor staring down into them with a smile on his face. Tay found himself getting lost in the sparkly green of Drew's eyes. How come I never noticed his eyes before? he wondered. Drew felt Taylor's shivering limbs, and gently placed his hands on Taylor's, silent encouragement to Tay's hesitance.
Then, as Taylor leaned in, Drew closed his pretty eyes again. Their lips met. So softly. So unsurely. It seemed like it was the first time either of them had kissed anyone, which wasn't so, but the feeling was there. Cautiously, Taylor began to move his lips, and was pleased beyond belief when Drew responded to this.

"Oh - . . . Tay," Drew whispered as Taylor pulled back a little. Taylor's heart thudded as he heard Drew sigh his nickname, and connected his lips with Drew's again. So soft, he marveled to himself. He shuddered when Drew slid his hand around the back of Tay's neck and softly played with the rattail that was hanging down.

But Drew didn't linger on the rattail. He began moving his hand up and down Tay's back, sending the long-haired blond into an ocean of affectionate pleasure. Drew's fingers raced excitedly over Taylor's baby-smooth skin. There was an aspect to Taylor's aesthetic appearance which excited Drew to no end. True beauty and sexual appeal in one were hard to find in a person, but Drew's eyes had been open enough to spot Taylor's boyish appeal early on in the two's friendship.

Though he was being kissed and lovingly stroked on the back, Taylor was well aware that Drew's hard-on had edged out of the flap of his boxers and was stretching up to an incredible length. Tay felt like it was Christmas Eve - some wonderful sort of present was waiting for him, and the excitement and torture of not being able to have it that instant was driving him up the wall. He didn't allow himself to part from Drew to look at and investigate Drew's cock, but a building anticipation was making his high come back - but this time, in a fun, I'm-Being-Naughty way.

Drew placed his hands firmly on Tay's thin waist, and sat forward a little. Just before he pulled his lips from Tay's, he poked at Taylor's lips with his tongue.

"Hey . . ." Tay moaned at the injustice of having to wait for that kiss to continue. Drew just smiled mischeviously, running his hands over Tay's chest. Tay's head rolled back involuntarily, the feeling of someone touching his bare skin so electrifying that he could scarcely believe it. It didn't seem like a large gesture, but it felt good nonetheless.

And then, Taylor let out a soft cry as Drew leaned him back and hotly licked his soft, firm abs. Then, he giggled when his new playmate actually began to gently tease his left nipple with the tip of his tongue.

"Yeah . . . suck on it, Drew," Taylor whispered.

Drew liked the order he was being given, and obediently followed it. He took Tay's tiny but hard nipple between his lips and sucked on it softly. The dreamy look of pleasure on Tay's face was unmistakable, and Drew sucked harder, eyeing the smile forming on Tay's lips as he did so. Tay moaned when Drew lightly clamped his teeth down around the little nub. Drew released Tay's now-red nipple, and Taylor leaned forward and grasped the ends of Drew's two-tee shirts.

Drew got the idea and raised his arms up quickly, even though it meant letting go of his grip on Tay's waist, and Tay pulled them over his head, making Drew's already-loose ponytail fall completely out, the ponytail holder probably never to be found. The slight traces of light brown, soft hair under Drew's arms were strangely arousing to Taylor, who didn't have a lot of body hair because of his Danish decent. Drew shook his hair loose, and Tay ran his fingers through it.

"I've always wanted to do that," he commented.

"Have fun," Drew replied, smiling and rather enjoying the feeling of Taylor toucing him anywhere.

"Oh, I'd rather run my hand on something else . . . a different head," replied Tay, lowering his eyes to Drew's seven inches of hard, teen meat. The circumcised head of Drew's ready cock was already dripping with slick, clear, warm precum, and it was dribbling down the sides and soaking the dark hair that surrounded the base of Drew's cock.

Just having Tay look at his cock with that aroused look in his eyes was enough for Drew's cock to jump up higher in anticipation.

"Speaking of something I've always wanted to do . . ." Drew said excitedly, rubbing Tay's thighs and staring at the bulge in his blue Dickies.

"I believe you've already done that," Taylor smiled, recalling Roadkill Heaven.

"No, not that," Drew corrected, moving his strong hand and fingers over Tay's woodie smoothly, as if it had been done before. Taylor gazed down the field of his chest, staring at Drew's hands as he used both of them to unfasten the button on Tay's Dickies. Drew had a smile plastered onto his face, which grew as the zipper practically ripped down because of the pressure Tay's dick was putting on the pants.

Drew wasted no time, and reached into the hot crotch of Taylor's boxers and pulled out what he had been fantasizing about for the past year or so . . .

And it was everything he'd dreamed of and more. A healthy, flushed-colored organ that had veins pulsing in excitement beneath the amazingly smooth skin, that curved up and was strong and excited enough to stand up at least to Tay's navel all on its own. The only pubic hair that Taylor had was shorter and much softer than Drew's own, and was lighter in color. The head was a glistening dark pink, mushrooming out from the foreskin enticingly, staring up at Drew and drooling precum.

Drew looked back up at Taylor, who was exhaling loudly, and smiled.

"This," he finished off his earlier sentence, bending Tay backwards once again and slowly enveloping his lips around the head of Tay's cock.

next, next, next

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