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Bean Kingdom
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The Daily Bull
What Else

My ring!!

Steve Kerr talks about terrorism...

Want to see my design final project? [d.r.a.g.o.n.b.a.l.l.e.s.q.u.e]

If you would like to analize the inner workings of my brain [t.o.u.c.h.i.t]

  Well, since I still haven't paid the five bucks to make fully functional, I decided to start here. Eventually, when I'm not working, not watching "I Love The 80s", and not playing "Dynasty Warriors 4", I'll have all the features fully-functional. And I'll probably have all this at Or not. In the mean time, check out [creative], where I posted some images for you to look at until I get back into the writing kick and get my "Girls Guide to Guy-Movies" and "Girls Guide to Dungeons & Dragons - or How to get along with your nerdy boyfriend and his friends so you can win their favor and a chance to watch a sappy love/girly movie tomorrow night" articles posted...and eventually I'll have my sports versions, too...
And don't forget to keep checking back as I begin my reviews on movies, music, video games, and restaurants.

days 'til Lara and Heather can drink...legally...

Did you really think I would leave him behind?
This is my dog, Stevie. Don't mess with him. He'll mess on your pants!!!

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