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Skate Smarties

Welcome to my homepage about aggressive inline skating.

The reason that I created this page was because of my love for this sport. I have been skating for only a year and a half, yet it has grown on me. In summer it is great to just get outside and roll. In winter skating slows down but I often go in my College's gym and play a little hockey on the blades.

With this page I just want to give this great sport more exposure. I don't have any pro's pics but i do have a few of a friend skating. This page is also for a school project so it is pretty simple. As I learn more about skating and web pages I will improve the looks and content, but for now I hope that you enjoy this page. Mabey you will even learn something.

For more skating stuff go to these

  1. Pictures - some pics of a good freind of mine skating
  2. Tricks - a brief list of tricks
  3. Related - a list of links to other skating related sites

If you like this site and have any comments about how to make it better, please email Garrison