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Skate Pics

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Here are a few pictures of my friend Margie skating. He's alot better then I am.

I would like to introduce you to Margie(Margie is the one in the green beenie with Curtis and Joe)

Here is Margie(the one on the rail) doing something that he likes to do, grind.

This time Margie is doing vert at one of the local skate parks.

Here our local hero is jumping over that bush just for fun.

Here is Margie ginding the coping on a halfpipe.

This is a picture of Margie competing at a local competition.

Here is Margie in the process of a nice spin. Look at the determination on his blurred face.

This last picture is of Margie again dazzling the locals.
(Well mabey just those two in the back.)

There are no pictures of me skating posted for one reason, there are none. When I get good and someone decides to snap a few pictures of me, then they will get posted.

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