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Chapter 3
"Where have you two been?" Nick asked as he opened the door to his room.
"A club." AJ replied, grinning, his eyes shining with the news he was dying to share.
Nick studied him with a practised eye. "So, what's her name this time?" He asked complacently.
AJ grinned. "Her name's Jordan. She's tall, about 5'7", dark hair, dark eyes, absolutely beautiful." He paused and looked at Howie with the mischievous look in his eyes. "But I'm not the only one you should be asking."
Nick caught the glint in AJ's eyes and the hint in his words. "What the...?" His eyes widened. "You're telling me you met someone, too?" Nick looked at Howie in amazement.
Howie mock-glared at AJ. "You can't keep your mouth shut for a minute can you?"
"Nope." AJ grinned. "Now spill all the details for Nick."
"Yeah. C'mon D, tell me about the girl." Nick wheedled.
"Alright, alright." Howie rolled his eyes. "Her name's Camille. She's Jordan's best friend. She little, only 5'1" or so. She's got reddish-brown curls all the way down to her waist and the most amazing blue eyes."
"Cool." Nick grinned, happy for Howie. "They have any friends?" He asked hopefully.
"I don't know, Nick." Howie told him. "But you can ask them tomorrow night when they come to the meet and greet."
"They're coming tomorrow night? Sweet." Nick grinned.

"Holy, there's a lot of little girls here." Camille said, looking around. "Maybe we should have brought ear plugs." She joked. "'Cause you know it's gonna be seriously loud in here when Howie and AJ and the rest of the Boys come in."
"No kidding. I get the feeling we're going to be waiting a while before we even get to talk to them."
"Yeah, but no biggie." Camille shrugged. "We'll have the rest of the time before the show and then afterwards we have all night. You know, we're off tomorrow, we could even stay here tonight if we wanted to."
"Do you want to stay here if they want us to?" Jordan looked at her best friend in surprise.
"Yeah, I do." Camille nodded. "Howie and I talked last night. He said he wouldn't push to go further and I know he won't." She paused, contemplating her next words. "Jordy... I want to sleep with him tonight."
Jordan, who had been studying the crowd while she listened to her best friend talk, whipped around to stare at Camille. "You're serious." It wasn't a question, merely a statement of the obvious.
"Yes, I'm serious." Camille echoed. "I'm tired of being the only virgin." Jordan opened her mouth to say something, but Camille stopped her. "But that isn't the reason why I want to sleep with Howie. Jord, I'm falling in love with him." She said honestly. "If I sleep with Howie tonight it won't be sex. It'll be making love, because I already care too much about him for it just to be sex. The way I feel about him is something I've never felt before. I've never wanted to sleep with a guy before. This is so much different. And I feel lucky to have the chance to lose my virginity with a guy I really have feelings for. I'm not going to throw away that chance."
"I know Cammie." Jordan gave her best friend a hug. "I know you wouldn't do anything stupid. And I know how you feel about Howie. I can see it in your eyes. And I can tell that he feels the same way. So, all I'm going to say is go for it. Grab it with both hands. Don't let it get away.
"Thanks, Jordy." Camille hugged her.
"Don't thank me." Jordan's eyes twinkled. "Just have a blast."
Both girls burst into giggles, then stopped as a huge cheer went up from the numerous young girls in the room. The Boys had made their appearance. Howie and AJ were scanning the crowd, both breaking into huge grins at the sight of Camille and Jordan. Both gave a little wave, then got down to business signing autographs and talking to fans.
Camille and Jordan leaned against the wall watching the Boys interact with their fans, amused looks on both their faces. An hour later the last fans had departed and Howie and AJ made their way over to the girls, Nick right on their heels.
"Jordy." AJ pulled her into his arms and kissed her. They pulled apart after a minute and AJ turned to Nick. "Nick, this is obviously Jordan. Jordy, this Nick."
"Hey." Jordan smiled at him.
"Hey. Nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you last night. AJ could not shut up." Nick grinned.
"Should I be worried?" Jordan looked up at AJ, a twinkle in her eye.
"No way. It was all good." Nick laughed.
"Well, that's good." Jordan turned around to see Camille and Howie sharing a soft, sweet kiss. She grinned. "Well, Nick, that is my best friend, Camille, but she looks a little busy right now."
Nick smirked, a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. "Not for long." He said. "Hey D! Come up for air much?" He called, bringing Howie and Camille back to earth. They blushed like teenagers who had been caught by their parents.
"Oh, hey Nick." Howie stuttered a little. "This is Camille, but I'm sure you already knew that."
Nick chuckled. "Hey, I'm Nick."
"Hey." Camille smiled up at him. "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too. AJ hasn't stopped talking about last night and I haven't seen Howie blush so much in a long time." Nick grinned as he teased his bandmates.
Howie blushed, burying his face in Camille's hair.
"Aw." Camille ran her hand through his hair. "You're so cute when you blush." She said softly in his ear.
Howie lifted his face from her hair and smiled softly at her, gently caressing her cheek with his thumb. He bent his head and kissed her softly, completely oblivious to the fact that Brian and Kevin had joined them.
"Whoa. We definitely missed something here." Brian said, his blue eyes widening as he caught sight of Howie kissing a girl he'd never seen before.
"Hey Bri, Kev." AJ slid her arm around Jordan's slim waist. "This is Jordan, we met at a club last night."
"Hi." Brian drawled, grinning at the girl in AJ's arms.
"Hey." Jordan returned the smile.
"So, who is Howie kissing?" Kevin asked, his green eyes regarding the scene with amusement.
"That would be my best friend, Camille." Jordan said with a smirk.
"I see." Brian grinned. "Yo Howie, are you going to introduce us or what?"
Howie and Camille pulled apart, both looking sheepish.
"Sorry, man." Howie appologized. "This is Camille. My girlfriend. Cammie, this is obviously Brian and Kevin." Howie grinned and wrapped his arms around Camille.
"Hi." Camille smiled shyly at Howie's bandmates.
"Hey." Brian and Kevin smiled, glad to see their friend so happy.
"Camille and Jordy both work at a hotel in Canmore, about an hour from here." AJ informed them. "They're both from a small town in B.C. Jordy's 19 and Camille's 20." He finished, anticipating the next questions.
"So, what are you doin' tonight?" Brian asked.
"We're going to a club." AJ supplied. "You two old married men gonna come with?"
"No can do, man." Brian declined. "Leigh and I have a phone date."
"And you know I would, but I'm gonna be beat after these two shows." Kevin said apologetically.
"Well, I guess it's just us then." Howie grinned in anticipation. "You comin' Nicky?"
"Yeah, I'm in, even though I'm just gonna be a fifth wheel." Nick shrugged. "Oh hey, that reminds me. I was gonna ask you two if you had a friend who wasn't attached right now."
Camille shot Jordan an amused look. "You mean for tonight kinda thing?" Jordan asked.
"If they're not busy and can get where we're going, yeah." Nick nodded sheepishly.
Camille and Jordan just looked at each other. "Kim." They said simultaneously.

Part 4

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