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Chapter 4
"Kim?" Nick repeated.
"Yep. She works with us. I don't think she had anything planned tonight and she's always up for a club."
"Sweet." Nick grinned.
"We'll call her. See if she can make it." Jordan told him. She pulled out her cell phone and dialled the number of the house they were living in. "Kim? Hey, it's Jordan." She said when someone picked up. "Yeah, we're at the Saddledome." She paused. "Yeah, we're going to a club after the show. Which is actually why I'm calling. We wanted to know if you wanted to come?" She listened while her friend spoke. "Right on. We'll see you there." She smiled at Nick as she gave Kim the information. "Okay. Later, girl." She hit the end button and flipped the phone shut, slipping it back into her purse. "Alright. We're on. Kim's gonna meet us there later."
"Thanks." Nick grinned. "I appreciate it."
"No problem, Nick." Camille smiled, leaning back against Howie's chest, his arms still wrapped firmly around her.
"Okay, well, we've got a couple of hours before we have to start getting ready, so let's head to the catering room and get something to eat." Howie suggested.
The others agreed, so they left the meet and greet and headed down the hall to the catering room. Camille, Jordan and the Boys seated themselves around the room with plates of food and drinks. After they finished Nick, Brian and Kevin sat around talking amongst themselves while Howie and Camille and Jordan and AJ cuddled on the two couches in the room.
"I missed you." Howie whispered in Camille's ear.
"I missed you, too." She said softly, gently running her fingers through his silky curls. Leaning forward, she tenderly brushed her lips against his in a soft kiss. Howie responded, kissing her more deeply, his fingers catching in her long curls, pulling her body tightly against his. The passion and chemistry between them was obvious to the others in the room. AJ and Jordan were grinning, Kevin had a pleased smile on his face, Nick's eyes were wide and Brian's jaw dropped in awe.
"Holy shit." Nick said, his voice barely audible.
After a few minutes even AJ's jaw dropped. "Damn." Jordan smacked him lightly. "What?" He asked, an innocent look on his face.
"Shhh." She admonished.
"But..." He only got one word out before Jordan shut him up with a searing kiss. After a minute she pulled away with a pleased smirk on her face.
"Whoa." AJ breathed, stunned into silence.
"Omigod, call the press, AJ's speechless." Nick snickered.
"I think we need to put Jordan on the payroll. Maybe then we could get a little peace." Brian chuckled.
AJ stuck his tongue out at him.
"Hon, you better not stick that out unless you intend to use it." Jordan said, giving him a look, leaving no doubt as to her meaning.
AJ's eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped. Nick choked on his drink and Brian smacked him on the back. Kevin just laughed and was soon joined by Howie and Camille, who had stopped kissing and begun listening to the rest of the conversation.
"Jordan Nicole Thomas!" Camille scolded, trying not to laugh.
"Camille Elizabeth Mackenzie." Jordan mocked. The two girls looked at each other and burst into laughter.
"Hey Jordy." Camille called between giggles. "'Communicate and I'll go under cover.'" She sang with a smirk. "'Gonna make you come tonight...'" She paused.
"'Over to my house.'" Jordan managed to finish before dissolving into giggles once again. The five Backstreet Boys look at each other in shock, wondering if they'd heard right.
"What?!!" Howie managed to choke out.
Camille took deep breaths in an attempt to stop laughing. "Sorry." She took another breath. "That's from a song by B4-4 called 'Get Down'." She paused, still trying to control her laughter. "Basically, it's about what it sounds like it's about... oral sex." Nick snickered.
Kevin ignored him and asked. "Who's B4-4? That sounds familiar."
"They're a Canadian boy band; three guys from Toronto." Jordan explained. "They're good. Camille has their CD."
"So far they've released 4 singles in Canada, 'Get Down', 'Go Go', 'Everyday' and 'Ball and Chain'. But I don't know about the U.S." Camille supplied.
Kevin's brow creased in thought. "I think I've maybe heard 'Go Go'."
"Probably. I think that's been out the longest." Camille nodded.
"We obviously like 'Get Down'." Jordan grinned, finally recovered from her laughing fit. "It's really funny. There's tons of sexual innuendo in it." She smirked.
"No kidding it's full of innuendo!" AJ exclaimed, still quite shocked that innocent looking Camille had come out with a line like that.
Camille laughed at the look on his face. "Figured that would get your attentions."
Howie leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "You definitely got mine." His voice was husky and she shivered slightly.
"Is that so?" She asked softly, sliding her hand down his stomach, feeling the hard muscles beneath his shirt.
Howie sucked in a sharp breath at her touch. "Yeah."
"Good." She said suggestively, giving him an intense kiss.
AJ and Jordan exchanged a glance, eyes wide. "Whoa." AJ said, slightly stunned.
"Mmhmm." Jordan agreed.
"Those two are intense." Nick turned to Brian, raising his eyebrows.
"You're tellin' me." Brian replied, eyes wide.

Part 5

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