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Chapter 5
At that moment the Boys' stylist came into the room to tell them it was time for them to start getting ready for the show.
"Howie, you're up first." She called.
Howie sighed. "Okay." He replied reluctantly. "Come with me?" He turned to Camille.
"Of course." They got up off the couch, Camille laced her fingers through his and they followed the stylist to the make-up room.
"Hey Howie, you all ready to go?" The stylist asked.
"Yeah. Angie, this is my girlfriend, Camille. Camille, this is our stylist, Angie."
"Hey." Angie smiled at her.
"Hi." Camille smiled back.

"Who woulda thought it?" Jordan commented as they waited for the Boys to shower after the show.
"What?" Camille was brought back from her thoughts of Howie, who had watched her and blown kisses at her during 'More Than That' and 'What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful'.
"I said, who would have thought it." Jordan grinned at the 'I'm walking on air' look on her best friend's face.
"Oh. Yeah." Camille said, not really paying attention, preoccupied with her thoughts.
"Cammie? Are you okay?" Jordan asked, concerned.
"Yeah. I'm just a little nervous." She admitted.
Jordan nodded. "I understand." She opened her purse and rummaged around, searching for something. "What exactly are you nervous about? What aspect of it?" She asked.
"Well, I know it's going to hurt some. There's no way to get around it, so I'm not really worried about that. I'm just nervous. You know up until last night I hadn't even kissed a guy, so really, I'm going pretty fast, but I'm ready for this. Howie's the one I want to be with. I guess it's just normal nervousness about getting so close to someone."
"You're probably right." Jordan agreed. "Ah ha. Found it." She triumphantly pulled something out of her purse. "Here." She handed whatever she'd pulled from her purse to Camille.
Camille looked in her hand; in it was a condom. "What's this for?" She asked, shocked and beginning to blush.
"Cammie. This is Howie we're talking about, remember? He might not have any." Jordan pointed out. "Take it. You know you have to have it just in case."
Camille nodded and slipped the condom into her purse. "You're right. Have to be on the safe side." She looked down the hall to see the door of the dressing room open and Kevin step out. "BYOC." (A.N.: Bring your own condom... In case you haven't figured that out already.)
"BYOC." Jordan repeated. "Hey, there's Kevin." She noticed. "What d'ya wanna bet Howie's the last one out?"
"You never know. He might get ready faster since we're here, but then again, that might make him take longer 'cause he wants to look perfect." Camille shrugged, a grin on her face.
"Yeah." Jordan admitted. "Could go either way."
Down the hall Kevin caught sight of them and strolled over to where they were waiting.
"Hey. You waiting for Howie and AJ?" He asked when he reached them.
"Yeah. We were just debating whether Cammie's presence would make Howie get ready faster or make him take longer." Jordan grinned.
Kevin chuckled. "I think he's gonna be quick tonight. Seems to me he had his clothes picked out when he got home last night."
Camille and Jordan giggled and as if on cue, Howie stepped out of the dressing room with AJ right behind him. Camille swallowed hard when she caught sight of Howie making his way down the hallway towards her. He was wearing khakis, a tight white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. His damp hair was loose and drying into silky ringlets. Camille shot Jordan a wide-eyed look that said 'Oh my god.' Jordan grinned and winked at her friend before her own eyes widened as she caught sight of AJ. He was wearing baggy black jeans, a tight white wife beater and a red dress shirt unbuttoned over it.
"Cammie." Howie was beaming as he reached her. "Hey sweetie." He embraced her and kissed her softly.
"Hey. I missed you." She said softly.
"I missed you, too." He said, kissing her again.
AJ pretended to gag and Jordan smacked him lightly.
"Sorry." He apologized, still grinning.
"Silly boy." Jordan shook her head at him, then stretched up and kissed him. "But I missed ya."
"Missed you, too." AJ smiled. "Well, should we break 'em up?" He gestured towards Howie and Camille.
"Probably should. Nick's probably getting pretty impatient by now."
"Oh, you can be sure he is." AJ grinned. "Hey D! Let's get moving soon, huh?"
Howie and Camille pulled apart. "Sorry, AJ. We got a little carried away."
"A little?" AJ snickered. "Okay, let's get Nick and get going."
Howie and Camille laced their fingers together and followed AJ and Jordan to the dressing room to get Nick.

Part 6

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