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Chapter 6
"So, when's your friend going to get here?" Nick asked, impatiently.
"Soon, Nick." Camille said for the tenth time since they had arrived at the club half an hour prior. "Chill out. Kim'll be here."
"Calm down, Nicky. Have a drink." Howie advised.
Nick sighed. "I'm trying to."
Howie caught Camille's eye and gestured to the dance floor, silently asking if she wanted to dance. She nodded. "Nick, we're going to go join AJ and Jordan. Don't worry. Kim will be here soon." Camille reassured him.
"Okay. Thanks Camille." Nick smiled half-heartedly, nervously playing with the straw in his drink.
"Here's one for all the lovebirds in the house tonight." The DJ announced, putting on a slow song.
"Oh, I love this song." Camille sighed, after listening to the song for a few seconds, while she wrapped her arms around Howie's neck.
"What song is it?" Howie asked, intrigued by the flamenco guitar in the intro.
"It's 'Fall At Your Feet' by Jesse Cook." Camille told him. "We hear it every day on the radio when we're working. I love the flamenco guitar."
"I do, too. It's really nice." Howie said, enjoying the music and having Camille in his arms again. He held her more tightly and they danced in silence, lost in their own world. So lost that when Kim came up behind them and tapped Camille on the shoulder she jumped.
"Oh shit. Sorry Cammie. I didn't mean to scare you." Kim grinned.
"It's okay. We were a little lost, I think." Camille said, sliding her arms around Howie's waist and turning to face her friend and roommate. "Howie, this is my roommate, Kim MacDonald. Kim this is my... boyfriend, Howie Dorough." Camille blushed a little when she referred to Howie as her boyfriend.
"Your boyfriend?" Kim's eyes widened. "Cool. Nice to meet you." She grinned at Howie.
"Nice to meet you, too." Howie replied. "Cammie, you want to go back to the table?" He hinted, knowing Camille and Jordan hadn't told Kim she was there to meet Nick.
"Yeah. I could use a break." Camille agreed. "You coming, Kim?"
"Yep." She nodded.
Howie and Camille led the way back to their table where Nick was waiting, still fiddling with his straw. He looked up when they reached the table, a pathetic look on his face. Then he noticed a girl standing with them. His face brightened.
"Hey guys." He said, sitting up straight in his chair.
"Hey Nick. This is my friend, Kimberleigh MacDonald." Camille grinned, motioning Kim to come over. "Kim, this is Nick Carter."
"Hi." Nick gave her the trademark Carter grin.
"Hey." Kim smiled back, before shooting Camille an evil glance. Camille smiled innocently.
Camille and Howie sat down and Camille motioned Kim to sit next to Nick. When she did Nick's grin got a little bigger.
"So, Kim, can I buy you a drink?" Nick asked, smiling hopefully at her.
"Sure." She nodded.
"What can I get for you?" Nick asked, standing up to go to the bar.
"Um... Vodka and 7-up?"
"I'll go with you, Nick." Howie got to his feet, too, sensing Kim wanted to talk to Camille alone.
"No problem. Be right back." He promised and strode through the crowd to the bar.
"Camille Mackenzie, I am going to kill you!" Kim hissed when they were out of earshot.
"What did I do?" Camille asked innocently.
"You could have at least warned me I was going to be meeting the Backstreet Boys, for one." Kim exclaimed. "Where's Jordan? With AJ?" She asked sarcastically.
"Actually... Yeah, she is." Camille said, trying not to laugh. "They're over there, dancing." She pointed them out.
"Oh my god." Kim shook her head in disbelief, then started laughing. "But seriously, you could have warned me you were going to try and set me up. And you coulda told me you got a boyfriend!" She hugged Camille. "Congratulations. You just landed your favourite Backstreet Boy, what are you going to do now?" She asked, pretending to be a gameshow announcer.
"Um..." Camille blushed and looked down at the table.
"Oh my god. You're kidding me!" Kim's eyes widened. "You're really going to?"
"Yeah. I think you and Nick are going to be flying solo pretty quick here." Camille said, her cheeks reddening even more.
"So, what about Jordan? Are she and AJ... ya know? Hot 'n' heavy?" Kim asked.
"Yep." Camille answered simply. She looked up from the table in time to see Howie and Nick returning from the bar. "Hi baby." She greeted Howie with a kiss as he sat down next to her.
Nick rolled his eyes at Kim and she had to stifle a giggle.
"May I have this dance?" Howie asked, taking Camille's hand. Kim made gagging motions behind their backs and Nick couldn't help snickering.
"Of course." Camille answered, ignoring Kim and Nick. She and Howie got to their feet and made their way back to the dance floor. 'Butterfly' by Crazy Town was pumping from the speakers.
Howie pulled her tightly to him and they moved together to the throbbing music. Camille allowed herself to get lost in the music and the feeling of Howie's strong, hard body pressed up against her. Her breathing became erratic and when she brushed up against Howie's body she knew he was effected as well.
Fighting for control, Howie guided her to the edge of the dance floor. "Cammie. I don't know whether you want to, and if you don't, don't be afraid to say no, but would you stay with me tonight?" He asked, his voice husky with desire.
"Yes." Camille said without hesitation.
"You will?" Howie repeated, wanting to be sure.
"I will." Camille replied. "Howie, let's get out of here." She looked up at him, her intentions clear.
"Okay." He said, taking her hand and leading her back to the table where Kim and Nick sat talking.
Nick and Kim looked up as Howie and Camille came up to the table.
"Nick, we're going to head." Howie told him. "You guys don't mind taking a cab or something back to the hotel?" He asked.
"No problem, Howie." Nick grinned, knowing exactly why they were leaving so soon.
"Oh hey, Nick. Tell Jordan I have her stuff. We'll leave it in AJ's room." Camille remembered just in time.
"Okay. See you guys tomorrow." Nick nodded.
"Bye Cammie. See you later." Kim said with a knowing smile.
"Night." Camille and Howie were anxious to leave the loud club and return to the hotel. They waved to AJ and Jordan as they walked by and exited the club. They walked across the parking lot to Camille's car and she unlocked the doors, sliding into the driver's seat, while Howie got in the passenger side. She quickly turned on the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. Howie directed her to the hotel and they drove there in silence, fighting the urge to pull over. Finally they pulled into the parking lot of the Boys' hotel. They got out of the car, retrieving Camille and Jordan's backpacks from the backseat and walking into the hotel. They walked straight to the elevator and went up to the floor the Boys' rooms were on. They walked quickly to Howie's suite, leaving Jordan's backpack in AJ's room on their way. When they reached Howie's door he quickly unlocked it and ushered Camille inside.

Part 7

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