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Seri Insan Parents Council
[ Home ] Parents Council 2003 ] Aims & Objectives ] Sub-Committees ] Calendar ] Journal ] New Activities ]


Parents Council 2003
Aims & Objectives
New Activities

to Seri Insan Parents Council  website made in line with the new goals of the Council  to provide better service in terms of  information and communication availability between the school and parents and among parents. The main purpose of this website (initially) is to inform parents of students of Sekolah Swasta Seri Insan the changes that are taking place in the new structure of the Parent Teachers Committee which has been restructured and renamed Seri Insan Parents Council. This is a complete overhauling of the old PTC and the new members of the Council have just been appointed to their sub-committees and as such, we will try to make the information available as soon as possible! More on this in the President's Message.
This website will have more buttons & links as we progress, so bear with us!
-- Laurentius Kitingan, Communication Liaison Committee Co-ordinator
We welcome ideas, suggestions and comments. Please forward to us here.
Seri Insan School (or click the banner)

[ Home ] Parents Council 2003 ] Aims & Objectives ] Sub-Committees ] Calendar ] Journal ] New Activities ]