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Parents Council 2003
Aims & Objectives
New Activities

The Executive Committee has appointed the following sub-committees (the name in brackets is the member appointed to head the committee)


a)     Communication Liaison Committee (Laurentius Kitingan)

        To assist in the publication of the School Directory, newsletters, brochures, leaflets, promotion materials, setting up of website, for the purpose of communication and dissemination of information to and amongst members regarding functions and events organised by the council or school.

b)    Staff Appreciation Committee (Margeret Yap)

        To assist with organising special lunches/dinners,  goodie bags, etc.  for staff, hosts at least two lunches/dinners during the school year.

c)    Reading Enhancement & Library Committee (Penelope Abu Husin)

        To assist with planning and staffing book fair, publicising and documenting donations of library books, assist librarians with various projects and day-to-day operations.

d)    School Beautification and Grounds Committee (Dr. Sidhu)

        To assist school principal, students and staff in organising grounds clean-up and beautification projects

e)    Parent Hospitality Committee (Estonella Fung)

        To assist in providing refreshments and staffing for  conferences, meetings, and other social events for parents for the promotioin and fostering of good will and understanding amongst parents. To assist the Admissions Office in making new parents feel welcome to the School, hosts reception for new parents.  Calls new parents to give them information about the school, to encourage them to participate in Council's activities, and to answer their questions

f)    Yearbook Committee (Lim Mui Len)

        To assist in recording and documenting activities of students.  Works with the principal and staff to develop a theme, organise pictures, write, copy and produce the layout for a yearbook.  Coordindates printing and distribution    

g)    Sports & Recreation Project Link-up Committee ( John Pickens)

        To assist link-up in sporting and recreational activities between our students and local schools' students, including competition and tournaments and to provide prizes and rewards

h)    Special Projects Committee (Janny Lee)

        To assist in providing parent volunteers to assist the school and its students with any special projects organised or undertaken by the school.  Signing up and registering parent volunteers to help the school, its students and sponsors with special projects throughout the year

i)    Class Parents Committee (Ronny Cham)

        To assist in coordinating class-parents meetings, coordinate classroom volunteers to assist teachers with special class projects, assists to plan organise and staffing of class or form outdoor events.  Class-parents meeting shall be organised with the sanction of the school principal, and the principal shall chair such meetings, or the vice-principal in her/his absence.

We welcome ideas, suggestions and comments. Please forward to us here.
Seri Insan School (or click the banner)

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