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On Politics and the State
The liberals who so fervently argue against war with Iraq can't face up to the fact that there is a liberal argument for war - humanitarianism. CLICK!

War with Iraq? A whole lot can go wrong.  But as Fareed Zakaria notes, a whole lot can go right.  Civilians may suffer during the war effort, no doubt.  Still,  most analysts would agree that the resulting can only be better than their current condition/environment.  Isolationism is easy... but not always right or beneficial in the long run.  CLICK!

China: A World Power.  The interplay between our two governments will require a good sense of realpolitik.  Remember... personal morality is different from state morality (er...if there is such a thing).  The global landscape is different after 9-11 but this essay still sums up the overall situation.  CLICK!

In many circles, feminism has taken a turn for the less-than-good.  According to George Will, it has been hijacked - departed from the aims of its much-celebrated founders/proponents.  CLICK!

Man!  The French and their politics.  Just stupid.  Of course, they love the attention when they rabble-rouse and act self-righteous but what good have they done in the world?  Really, not a thing!  But they wanna flex their muscles.  We'll pretend to care what they think.  In the UN, multilateralism means taking forever to vote on anything and in the end, making the US pay for 80% of fiscal and manpower costs.   CLICK!

Different Times call for Different Virtues. Not an assault on personal morality so stay calm.  But social, political, economic shifts require new ways of seeing/thinking.  Balance or tension?  CLICK!


On God and Truth
Evangelical Christians are the bottom-feeders of academia.  But they wouldn't know it.  The sad state of the evangelical mind is exposed but change comes, albeit slowly.   Disturbing yet hopeful.    CLICK!  Read this one.

Christianity (as a whole, not speaking strictly of Evangelical faith) is undergoing dramatic mutations unseen since the days of the Reformation.  The next century of Christianity may mark the world in greater ways than Islam.  CLICK!

A companion piece to Jenkin's previous essay.  Insightful, honest interview regarding a global shift in Christendom.  Thoughts on all aspects of Christian faith.  Whatever your take, read and consider it.  CLICK!

Impulsiveness or Discipleship?  Insights from Oswald Chambers.  Not really an essay but hey, it's my website.  <smile>  CLICK!

Q&A with Dallas Willard.  Again, not an essay but worth reading if you have the time.  Writer of The Divine ConspiracyCLICK!


This and That

We have democratized elitism in this country.  Now, everybody can be a snob!  An essay by the wry, amusing, always perceptive writer of Bobos in Paradise (read it!), David Brooks.  A quick read.  CLICK!

Here's another by David Brooks (a fan here).  This was a cover story for the Atlantic about a year ago.  In the past, it was all about the "organization man" and his commitment to his company and middle-of-the-road American ideals.  Bland but successful.  Now are the days of the "organization kid".  Read this.  Whether or not your kids'll go to Princeton, this essay sheds light on youth culture bred for success.    Remember the cliche: today's youth are tomorrow's...  CLICK!   (Worth your time)

The Right loves to blast the negative influence of the media on youth.  Today's topic:  a boy who set himself on fire after watching Jackass.  A touchy issue for sure.  Still, as with most things, we need not be reactionary or misinformed.  CLICK!

A Kenyon College commencement speech by none other than the most private, Bill Watterson.  What he won't do for the public, he does for his alma mater.  Not necessarily a rousing speech but still a very interesting read.  Delve inside the life and mind of a very funny, smart cartoonist.  CLICK!


Grand Pantry 

Not one to be intentionally biased, here's brain-food from the right and left.  Some of the content can be annoying but hey, always good to check out new ideas,  right (er... left)?

But honestly?  Liberals are somewhat out there.  Not Democrats, mind you.  The Libs are so out of touch with reality.  Over the past few years, a number of high-profile liberals have actually ditched the group for that very reason.

So, am I a liberal Republican or a conservative Democrat?  I'm bipolar.  <smile>  And you wanna know who's cool? George Will.  I almost always agree with this man.  What a mind.  Who's bogus?  Don't take offense... Anna Quindlen.  Will delineates his ideas logically,  through reason.  Quindlen just makes emotional appeals and stands on assumptions.  Very politically correct.  Bleah.  Fareed Zakaria?  As with Will, you can feel Zakaria's brain pulsating.  Unnerving to say the least.  <smile>   I don't always agree with his ideas but I'll always read them.  


My Monthly Devotionals (just kidding!)
The Atlantic and Harper's


Who's Left?   ... Who's Right?   ...

Here's a mug of David Brooks. Editor for the Weekly Standard.  A good essayist regardless of your or my point of view.

The New Republic hates the W.S.

Fun read.  Articles almost seem tongue-in-cheek.  Do you really want a totalitarian regime in America?  Pinochet is benign?!?  Losing touch with reality. Fun!

The Weekly Standard hates the N.R.

Fun read.  Home of David Brooks.  Fun guy.  I know it seems biased but the moderate right just seems pretty reasonable.  According to polls, they capture a good percent of American ideas/thoughts. 

Mother Jones (independent? not really.) The New American (conservative. fully.)
New York Times (won't admit it!) Wall Street Journal (expensive but good)
...the blatant ones left unsaid ...the rest are just too hokey


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