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Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na h-Éireann

IRSP Derry

For National Liberation & Socialism!

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Republican Socialist Martyrs Band - Belfast

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James Connolly Society, United States and Canada
SOCIALIST PRODUCTIONS Hunger Strike Web Project (15th Anniversary Commemorative Website) Irish Republican Solidarity Group, Germany
DHKP-C Turkey Solidarity Committees Ireland IRSM's Death Fast Solidarity Web Page
Bloody Sunday Justice Campaign Bloody Sunday Inquiry Communist Party of Spain (Reconstituted)  PCE (R)
Irish History on the Web Irish Internet Hub Ireland's Own
Justice For Mark Barnsley Arm the Spirit Catalan Resistance Sambar Trading Teachers Union of Ireland
Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) Irish National Organisation for the Unemployed SIPTU
UNISON Technical Engineering Electrical Union IMPACT
T&G Online (incorporating the ATGWU) CWU Ireland UCATT
Union of Students in Ireland Union Network International Building & Allied Trades Union
European Trade Union Federation PDFORRA LabourNet
Irish Medical Organisation Manufacturing Science Finance (now part of Amicus) Irish Bank Officials Association
Independent Workers Union LabourNet UK Irish National Teachers Organisation
NIPSA MANDATE Irish Federation of University Teachers
Labour News from Ireland National Union of Journalists Irish Nurses Organisation
Cyber Picket Line CWU Britain Irish Locomotive Drivers Association
Connect UK Amicus  
Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland Celebration of Resistance  (Based in Derry - Official Hunger Strike Commemorative Committee) Turkish Hunger Strike Solidarity Group, IRELAND   email


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Irish Republican Socialist Party, Derry City.