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Pairtí Poblachtach Sóisialach na h-Éireann

IRSP Derry

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Volunteer Colm McNutt

Derry Brigade INLA

Killed in Action, 12th December 1977

Colm was just eighteen years old when he was killed in the William Street area of his native Derry by undercover agents of the British state. As a politically aware youth growing up in Derry he witnessed at first hand the brutality of the British Imperialist stranglehold on his country and it was as a result of the occupation that Colm took up arms, not only to defend his city from the British but to fight for a workers' republic that would indeed cherish all the children of the nation equally. Colm paid the ultimate price for the love of his country and his people. 

Remember him with honour and pride.

View the Memorial to 

Vol Colm McNutt

Hessy Phelan


Dermot 'Tonto' McShane




Contact Derry IRSP for details

In December, comrades, friends and relatives of the late Colm McNutt participated in a commemoration ceremony to mark the anniversary of his assassination by British undercover agents on December 12th 1977 at William Street car park. The ceremony took the form of a parade from Creggan shops to the city cemetery, and was led by two of his school friends carrying the national flag and the starry plough. At the graveside, a brief and moving oration was delivered by Miss Stella Makowski, an Irish American, granddaughter of the late Paddy Shiels who was a republican army leader during the war of independence and resided in the city until his death at Union Street in 1957. Ms Makowski, who returned to Ireland at the beginning of the present war for national liberation has for some years been associated with the republican socialist struggle, and is at present a member o the national executive of the Irish Republican Socialist Party.

Before being invited to deliver  her prepared oration, the chief marshall of the commemoration, who was a close friend of the dedeased, called on those present to observe one minutes silence for Colm and all those who had given their lives in the struggle for freedom. Following this wreaths were laid on the grave by various branches of the Republican Socialist Movement, viz; Ard Comhairle IRSP, Dublin GHQ Irish National Liberation Army, Belfast and Derry Brigades INLA, editor and staff of the Starry Plough newspaper, South Derry IRSP, Creggan, Bogside, Waterside and Rosemount cumainn IRSP as well as personal floral tributes. Above the graveside the Irish tri-colour flew at half mast through the ceremony.

Irish Republican Socialist Party, Derry City.