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"Mind is projected everywhere in inner space...The discovery of neurotransmitters, neuro-peptides and messenger molecules of kinds has vastly extended our concept of intelligence... Events that seem totally unconnected, such as a thought and a bodily reaction - now seem to be consistent ...A thought of fear and the neuro-chemical that it turns into, are somehow connected in a hidden process".

Release Work is a Mind-Body technique that induces the depolarization of negative energies at the cellular level. Formerly known as the French Release Method, it was developed in a nine-year period and was introduced publicly in 1989. Since that time, Release Work has been used by health professionals all over the world. Release Work by-passes the rational mind and, as a result, directly effects the major plexuses of the central nervous system where negative input has been stored. During a therapeutic session, of approximately one-hour, the practitioner facilitates the identification and release of recent or long-term patterns that have created emotional distress. These established cognitive patterns might result from physical trauma, psychological abuse, self-undoing or other causes. An emotionally traumatic event, such as a broken love affair or a death in the family, may lead to physical symptoms - headaches, stomach pains, insomnia, etc. In a similar manner, the ability to reverse this neuro- chemical process may reestablish the balance of the mind and body after an emotionally traumatic event. Release Work is based upon this exact premise. Releasing past traumas, negative thoughts, and emotional memories will improve our body-mind relationship, eliminating useless and debilitating negative energies from our system.

Release Work is not a cure-all. Rather, it is a technique that when integrated with permanent allergy elimination technique can provide an efficient and viable means for helping those who are 'stuck' in destructive feelings, such as fear, anger, guilt, shame, grief, helplessness, and abandonment. The result is a renewed experience of self-worth and happiness Our subconscious mind registers every feeling (bio-magnetic signals and codes), regardless how minimal, from the first moment of life. These Bio-Magnetic codes, or permanent memories of the subconscious mind, will not be erased or canceled during our life or after our death. These Bio-Magnetic signals will exist in the universe permanently. Emotional release work is not psychotherapy, counseling, or affirmation, and it is not diagnostic, nor a panacea. It is not Reiki, long-term therapy, psychic reading, regression, or channeling. It is simply as it is called -- emotional release. During emotional release work, the practitioner will bring forth negative memories from your subconscious to your conscious mind, release and eliminate them. It can be thought of similarly to recalling information from the hard drive of a computer to its screen and then deleting it. From the earliest moment of our existence, as primary as a fetus in the mothers womb, our subconscious mind starts to record all events, whether they are emotional, physical or nutritional. Each developing cell has DNA and RNA genes that are comprised of different amino acids and resemble hexagonal crystals. Crystals are electromagnetic transmitters or receivers. All codes or magnetic signals received by an individual are encoded on DNA or RNA and create different types of memory, with short-term memory residing in the conscious mind and long-term memory as part of the subconscious mind (i.e. the subconscious mind is like the hard drive of a computer and the conscious mind is similar to the computer screen). The subconscious mind has a huge memory bank and can store billions of pieces of information in the form of bio-magnetic energy signals or codes. Therefore, following death, the magnetic energy of the subconscious mind and long-term memory, will remain in the universe even though the physical body no longer exists. The subconscious mind is very active, powerful and strong. It is very difficult to get rid of all negative magnetic energies. However, through emotional release work, the practitioner is able to completely erase negative memories from your subconscious mind so that they no longer cause you distress or harm. All negative energies can be cleared during emotional release work.

Do you have or feel one of the following feelings?
(Please Circle those that apply to you)
-Burdens & Responsibilities: Carrying a heavy load, the weight of the world on your shoulders
-Self Expression Issues: Lack off trust, inability to speak feelings, lack of nurturing
-Grief, Sorrow, Sadness, Loss: Emptiness of heart, lack of love, helplessness, loneliness, disillusionment, embarrassment, shame, humiliation, repressed feelings, disappointment, genetic or ancient memory, cruelty, meanness
-Fears & Phobias: Loss of control, fear of losing control, giving up power to another person, relationships
-Anger & Rage: Anger at others, anger at self, jealousy, and resentment
-Guilt/Shame/Unworthiness: Un acceptance, self-judgment, self-criticism, not deserving of a good life, inability to accept and receive
-Family & Sexual Issues: Childhood conditioning, violation of body or personal space, something done to us/something taken from us with our permission, molestation, abuse, rape, impotence, frigidity
-Survival: Feeling that you will not survive a life-threatening incident, violations related to surviving (accidents, abuse. violence, rape), impotence, frigidity, first year of life, basic creativity
-Betrayal: Betrayed by someone you trust, you betrayed someone else
-Support: Lack of emotional support, lack of financial support
-Rejection: Abandonment, criticism, judgment by others, self-rejection, pain in the heart
Other Negative Issues

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