Friday, July 25

You're everybody's satellite -- I wish that you were mine
Today I went east with M. to help him find a place to live. Really, we spent most of the time driving, which was fine with me because it was 101 freaking degrees there. This doesn't seem to bother him, though, which is good since he's the one moving there. On the other hand, his new home only gets 7 inches of rain a year, which I suppose is a pleasing alternative to 300 straight days of drizzle.

At any rate, we found him a nice place, which means he will have a home when he leaves here in two weeks (during which time we will have exactly 0 days off together) and takes my entire social life with him.

He does, of course, have to go. The job he's going to is a lucrative one, and he's been here long enough. It would just be a lot easier if I had also been here long enough, and we were both leaving for new things. As he pointed out, if we were both leaving, it would be us going our separate ways instead of one of us being left behind. That's the part that stinks. I guess that's always the part that stinks. But what also makes this hard is knowing we'll probably never be in the same place again. If we were dating, we'd probably try to work something out. Don't get me wrong -- we shouldn't be dating. But that means we are going separate ways -- it's just that he's going first. We have different goals and different plans. Basically, we've had just enough time to get close, only to be split up.

It was inevitable. But it bites.

Tuesday, July 22

When it's this sadistically hot outside, there is nothing better than a radioactive-orange popsicle.

If the weather continues to be this wretched, I may forgo all other foods and subsist solely on popsicles. And possibly cold cereal, which is about the only other thing that sounds appetizing. In fact, some Lucky Charms would really hit the spot right now, but I haven't eaten them since I couldn't find anything for dinner in the dorms three years ago.

I bet I would lose a ton of weight in no time if I only ate popsicles, since they're basically flavored sugar water. Then I could start some sort of infomercial series advertising the fabulous success of the popsicle diet and become extraordinarily wealthy.

Sunday, July 13

It must be summer
I have nothing particular to say, but my blog is lonely.

Last week M. and I went to the zoo. What was cool was that it was free Tuesday, except for the butterfly exhibit. What was not cool was trying to find a parking spot. Also the fact that because it was free Tuesday, the zoo was insanely crowded, and people pushing strollers use them as battering rams. All I had was M., who is not amenable to being used as a battering ram. It's sort of sad to visit the zoo when now that I'm older, because I remember it being so much bigger, and now I'm old enough that I feel sad for the animals there. They can't be happy in their little enclosures, listening to people scream and whistle and pound on the glass. Also, never overlook the monkey cages. Aside from Mr. Chimp, who was primarily interested in sitting there shaking his head, a logical enough response to being ogled by screaming children day in and day out, the monkeys were the only animals doing something besides sleeping. One of them even did a Tarzan-swinging-from-branch-to-branch-on-ropes-that-are-supposed-to-be-like-vines, which was about the most awesome thing I saw all day, except for butterflies the size of my hand.

After the zoo, we had dinner at Montage, which kindly served me the best damn macaroni with tomato-basil pesto sauce EVER. Then we went to Powell's, where I shouldn't have bought books but did anyway, because I'm too impatient for people to quit hogging the copies of Seabiscuit and The Nanny Diaries at the library. Don't they realize I have needs? Next we went to Everyday Music, which didn't have the things I wanted used, which is for the best, since I bought books, which I should not have done.

Other things on my highly materialistic wish list of things I may or may not need include:
  • A new lamp
  • New shoes
  • For the chip in my windshield to magically disappear
  • A bike pump that actually fits the valves on my tires (seriously, I thought those things were standardized. I was cheated)
  • To get the remaining roll of film from the Road Trip/zoo developed
On a totally unrelated note, I'm mulling another redesign. I'm tired of black, I think. I'm a little short on ideas, though. Also extremely lazy.

Sunday, July 6

according to last night's fortune cookie:
"You've spent your life writing the introduction. It's time for Chapter One."

Thank you. That was very helpful. I'll get right on that.


Off the shelf

On repeat

Escape routes

For easy reference

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