Take this soul and make it singThings that are contributing to my most excellent mood, a list:
- Winter
- The new U2 album
- The icicle lights now adorning my window (even if the wire coating does contain CANCER-CAUSING LEAD, as the box informed me)
- The beans and rice and gloriously gooey quesadilla I made for dinner
- The funky, excessively pink scarf I'm knitting for S.
- The Christmas cards I'm really going to send this year
- The large number of people I adore who live far away who I've spoken to in the last two days
- Caramel apple cider
- The new coat that will allow me to stop freezing my ass off
- Jane Austen
- A (mostly) clean apartment
- My exceedingly cozy bed. To which I shall now retire.
Song: U2, "Yahweh"