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Kindergarten Curriculum  


First Quarter Second Quarter
September - November November - January


Language Arts: Alphabet Review, Mm, Rr, Ss, Bb, Tt, Aa

Sight Words: like, is, am, can, blue, red, but, go, the

Math: Numbers 0-5, Sort/Classify, Patterns, Graphs

Science: Study of Fall, The Natural World

Social Studies: My Own World



Language Arts: Ff, Nn, Pp, Aa, Hh, Gg, Ii

Sight Words: have, do, not, big, in, up, I, A, get, where

Math: Numbers 6-13, Number sense, shapes, symmetry

Science: Study of Winter, Magnets

Social Studies: Family Holidays


Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
January - April April - June


Language Arts: Dd, Ll, Oo, Kk, Jj, Ww, Vv, Ee,

Sight Words: one, what, here, three, little, two, at, we, that

Math: Numbers 14-22, whole/half, skip counting, money, length

Science: Study of Spring, Magnets

Social Studies: Store



Language Arts: Qq, Xx, Yy, Uu, Zz, Review All Letters

Sight Words: you, yellow, my, see, and, look, to

Math: Numbers 23-30, Add, Subtract, Review

Science: Study of Summer

Social Studies: Self and Family



Our Curriculum

Special Days


Home Page


A Day In Kindergarten
