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There are many beautiful sites about Angels in Internet in very different languages.
Here are my favorite ones.
I have always contact with them and I love visiting their wonderful, colorful, angelical and somehow magic sites.




Heavens Angels Logo

A very beautiful site with many wonderful graphics.


Gods Angels Logo

God´s Heavenly Angels is an inspirational site.


Angelic Connections Logo

Many links to other personal angel sites.


Angelic Artistrys Logo

Angelic Artistry is a big page with very nice Angel Gallery. There are some fantastic angel pictures from different painters.


Geoffs Site

Angelical music. Simply great !!!

Design by Raven - Artwork for Everyone - beautiful faeries animations.



Asa Editoras Logo

The site AsaEditora is a visit worth. The graphics and the layout are wonderful and it contains an english version.


Um anjo pra te guiar...

An Angel to Guide You is a wonderful site from Luciano Marques with pretty applets and peaceful message.


Anjos e Rituais Logo

Anjos e Rituais (Angels and Rituals) offers a lot of information about angels such as classification, names, candles, music, etc.


If you have an Angel Page, no mather what language, and would like it to be linked here,
please email me and send me your URL, your banner or grafic and I will add to NetAngels.
I would like to link to the most beautiful Angel sites of the world.

Here are some very useful links I have found in Intenet and contains many informations regarding Angels

Catholic Online, Saints and Angels
A wonderful fim: City of Angels
Do you believe in Angels?
Catholic Encyclopedia
Death Angels,
some exquisite fotos from cemeteries...
Always Angels, angel gifts
Stone Angels, angels sculptures found everywhere

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This Web Dreamers site is owned by Barbiel

This webring is open to all sites that have an interest and appreciation/love for angels. Sites offer, angelic stories, poetry, pictures, /graphics/background sets, music, angel drawings, angelic paintings, sculpture & art. The true ~angel spirits~ of the site owners are reflected in the participating sites. Women or men are welcome to join this ring.

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