Military man looks on as Maj. Hog fishes in a country stream.
MAJ. HOG: I'm retired. Why me?
MILITARY MAN: You're the only one who can do it, kid.

WebHogs evaluates web pages and rates them with a Pig Score. A Pig Score?

CONCEPT: Maj. Hog at IT convention, "I am the official pig catcher."

Web pages may "invade" your computer and privacy. Like a malicious virus, a web page may track your movements, download and run programs, and alter your computer without telling you. Maj. Hog says, "Catch them and pen them up." View the Web Hogs Pen.
Web Hogs are the web pages with the highest Pig Scores.
WebHogs produces Pig Scores for individual web pages, a list of sites in an input file, or will go out and find them all by itself ("deep surf troll").
WebHogs is a script, link and email address troller and grabber.
"See your favorite web pages or your own pages as a hacker might see them."

FEATURES: "WebHogs is the internet tool that could."

WebHogs evaluates web pages and rates them with a Pig Score. The Web Hogs themselves are the web pages with the greatest Pig Scores. WebHogs produces Pig Scores for indiviual web pages, a list of sites in an input file, or will go out and find them all by itself ("deep surf troll"). The greatest Web Hogs may then be listed in the Web Page Pen -- the Web Hogs Hall of Shame.

The Hall of Shame was started with randomly-selected web servers world-wide so there could be no bias by company, country or region. The Web Hogs Hall is at Net Census.

WebHogs allocates points for potentially objectionable elements in both the http header (you don't see this in your browser) and in the web page head and body fields. WebHogs scans the content for Warnings, Alerts and Danger related to loss of privacy, use of your system resources (without permission?) and possible corruption of your computer system (known suspicious elements).

WARNINGS include cookies and tracking your mouse movements, etc.
ALERTS include running scripts, using Java code, defining functions, creating documents, invoking object classes, use of ActiveX, running applets, etc.
DANGER includes non-text/html content, downloading programs, malicious URLs, etc.
EXTRA Any reference to Osama Bin Laden or Al Qaeda will be reported and logged!

Find your own entries for the Web Hogs Hall of Shame with the RandScan engine in WebHogs:
o Stealth scan by generating random IP addresses in a user-specified range.
o Stealth scan by incrementing the IP address (a.b.c.d) in *reverse* order -- first a's, then b's, etc.
o Test a list of hosts from an input file or a single web server.
o Look up host names for all connections.
o Select number of sockets in multi-socket data collection.
o Four different logs of results to files for later analysis:

(1) Session data [Webhogs.log],
(2) Found Hosts [Port&Code.lst],
(3) Connection Transcript [Port&Code.dat],
(4) Events [PigAlert.dat]
o Display server banners -- the self-decriptions of web server software.

Copyright 2002 Global Services

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