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i guess this page is about me, huh?


     So you already learned that my name is Jupiter, so I'll just cut the chase by the use of this chart.


Name: Jupiter
Height: gigantic
Weight: massive
Hair: white, long, ever flowing
Eyes: deep blue, beautiful
Occupation: king of deities in Roman mythology
Marital Status: married to my sister Juno
Chief Vices: adultery, incest
Archrival: Pluto, Zeus
Hobbies: throwing lightning bolts, being a cow and seducing mortal women
Comments: If you don't know who Alcmena is, she is the mother of my son, Hercules. I impregnated her during our one night stand. Don't confuse me with that mortal guy named Jupiter, sure he's cool and all, but he's not me. And speaking of Jupiter..umm...he's a good guy.


Contact Info:



SN: oddjupe

    Okay...hold it right there! I am the mortal Jupiter and I would just like to say that I don't support any of the actions my counterpart here is into...well...aside from the turning into cow and seducing women bit. So don't come whining to me about how this is a very offensive website because it deals with incest and adultery. I don't condone any of those actions. Now that, that's settled, I'm sure you're dying to know about me.

     I am basically making this site because I thought I had a lot of things to say, but I'm still trying to see if that's true. So in the meantime, enjoy this site.

Stuff I've done in the past that I'm proud of:

Review: a review of Will's review AotC

The Roommate: a short story I wrote for creative writing

Chinese Mythology: okay, this one is just funny because it made no sense

...more to come soon, especially an AIM info archive.