Rock n Roll Led Zeppelin
Rock n Roll Yes It Has Led Zeppelin Bob L. Petersen
My Whistle Is Closer Closer To A Flute Led Zeppelin
So L Started Tryin To Match This Songs Intro By Led Zeppelin
Can You Here What's Coming You'd Better Run You'd Better Take Cover Man At Work
Yes it has again and but for now something completely different. Again that is how my whistling sounds. A Really Good Recording Would Sound Almost Exactly Like A Flute Played Softly. Why I can't now or could I ever produce the sound others do. PLAY! I'll keep Mine. I'll bring back my second method for whistling here on another page, So you may be able to whistle like I do. I will be back here to touch a few notes,too.
Yes It Has From The Rock n Roll By Led Zeppelin. Robert Plant didn't hit note in a Falseto. Robert Plant played at seeing what he could do in that Falseto Voice. There were hundreds who could hit the notes but no one could do what he did. He sang fast, he chance how sharp he hit the notes and he want as breathy as he could. Mistakes pointy to possible sounds. But as always never let your thoart get sore. Right I don't have a useful falseto. I have brought it out while sitting down. That forces the diapham up, something I have a hard time doing. Once I stood up with it going, I held it right till I stopped. That is what I will have to do til it is useful if I want to have more than enough AIR.
I watch the lead for America trying to make it through a whole concert using a false intonation. He needed to relax his voice. I do by going into the basement with it. Around 2 octives below middle C. I can't use that intonation long enough and good enough. Forcing it will ruin it's sound. I'll sound better when I'm almost out of air. The pressure has the gone down, less nasal sound. Two albums and gone.
Bob L. Petersen
Bob L. Petersen
I am using Dell Inspiron Mini. It also has a 8gig ramdrive, not a standard hard drive. This elimiadates the hum normal to any computer. I am using just the built in microphone. I had a older computer with Window 95. I set it up so it used a 32meg Compact Flash in a pcmcia card to give the computer it's extended memory. That meant the hard would shut off 1 minute after a program had started. A Great saving in power consumption. But it also took the buzz out of any recordings. Later versions of windows do not allow for this. I only got to make one real recording at that time. Guess who?
This use is for educational proposes. I credited working on styling for helping me for getting ideas on designing a car. Part of what we do must be innate. This was what made the belief that effort will bring growth innate. There are four elements that must at controled at a minimum PICTCH, TONE, SPEED and TIMING. The next is SOUNDS MADE EXTERNAL TO VOICE BOX most of which are errors. Errors though if minor and are made when putting an effort to speak at least semisoftly and sweetly are also something that person will enduer while making the effort. This can also include the effort of thinking of what they may be saying. Do they expect there to be signs of any efforts cost. There is something that is going wrong right now that is worth noting. The perfection my mind wants has eliminated almost all of the ERRORS MADE EXTERNAL TO VOICE BOX ARE NOT APPEARING. A note on what happened after I had written about this. I deliever my first ever even close to perfect perfectly. I had the the timing before but not the sound. The sound is a well controled ?mistake? at least what ever is close to this is trained away so you'll get more volume from less breath.GUESS WHO HERE?
Bob L. Petersen
Bob L. Petersen