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Flight Data 6/25/04

Flight Location:  Bennett Field (Pinckney, Michigan)  Weather Conditions:  Partly Cloudy, Humidity 52%, Temperature 66 degrees Farenheit, Wind W 5 MPH

Flight Data

Rocket Name:  Arcas  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  C6-5  Payload:  None  Recovery:  10 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-815 ft.-parachute failed to open-one fin cracked off on landing-fin was reattached.

Rocket Name:  Courier  Manufacturer:  Quest  Engine(s):  C11-5  Payload:  None  Recovery:  12 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-525 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  EOS  Manufacturer:  FSI  Engine(s):  E9-6  Payload:  None  Recovery:  12 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-1,365 ft.-considerable drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Heatseeker  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  B6-4  Payload:  None  Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Comments:  Some wobbling on lift-off-rocket was somewhat unstable-predicted altitude-300 ft.-nose cone separated from rocket during recovery-nose cone was found-try adding nose cone weight on future flights.

Rocket Name:  Lambda Payloader  Manufacturer:  MPC  Engine(s):  A8-3  Payload:  None  Recovery:  12 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-300 ft.-shock cord snapped during recovery-rocket landed safely with no damage-shock cord was replaced.

Rocket Name:  OSO  Manufacturer:  FSI  Engine(s):  C6-5  Payload:  None  Recovery:  12 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-740 ft.-considerable drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Patriot (Small Scale)  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  C11-5  Payload:  None  Recovery:  12 in. parachute  Comments:  Some weathercocking on lift-off-predicted altitude-300 ft.-slight drift on recovery-try flying without nose cone weight on future flights.

Rocket Name:  Saros  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  A8-3  Payload:  None  Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-230 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Silver Comet  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  D12-5  Payload:  None  Recovery:  20 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-550 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Trailblazer  Manufacturer:  MRC  Engine(s):  C11-5  Payload:  None  Recovery:  18 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-555 ft.-slight drift on recovery-one recruit broke off on landing-recruit was reattached.

Rocket Name:  Venom  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  B6-4  Payload:  None  Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-560 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Viking II  Manufacturer:  FSI  Engine(s):  B6-4  Payload:  None  Recovery:  9 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-435 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

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