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Flight Data 6/25/06

Flight Location:  Michigan International Speedway (Brooklyn, Michigan)  Weather Conditions:  Partly Cloudy, Humidity 44%, Temperature 75 degrees Farenheit, Wind N 6 MPH

(20th flight session with Jackson Model Rocket Club)


Photo Compilation

Flight Data

Rocket Name:  Big Daddy 2  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  E9-6  Payload:  None  Recovery:  18 inch parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-790 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  EOS  Manufacturer:  Flight Systems  Engine(s):  E9-8  Payload:  None  Recovery:  16 inch parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-1,305 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Rising Star Payloader  Manufacturer:  Dynastar  Rockets  Engine(s):  E9-6  Payload:  None  Recovery:  18 inch parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-1,010 ft.-screw eye pulled loose from coupler on recovery-lower body tube section and payload section tumbled to ground-parachute and shock cord were lost-remainder of rocket recovered undamaged-screw eye and shock cord were replaced.

Rocket Name:  SLS Scorpion 2  Manufacturer:  Semroc Astronautics  Engine(s):  D12-5  Payload:  None  Recovery:  14 inch parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-1,030 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Stormcaster  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  D12-5  Payload:  None  Recovery:  16 inch parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-905 ft.-slight drift on recovery.

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