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Flight Data 7/19/09

Flight Location:  Manly Bennett Field (Pinckney, Michigan)  Weather Conditions:  Parttly Cloudy, Humidity 50%, Temperature 72 Degrees Farenheit, Wind W 5 MPH

Flight Data

Rocket Name:  Falcon 2  Manufacturer:  Quest Aerospace  Engine(s):  C11-7  Payload:  None  Recovery11 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-625 ft.-moderate drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Nike-K  Manufacturer:  Quest Aerospace  Engine(s):  C6-5  Payload:  None  Recovery10 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-700 ft.-moderate drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Shoot the Moon  Manufacturer:  Sunward Aerospace  Engine(s):  C6-5  Payload:  None  Recovery10 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-580 ft.-moderate drift on recovery-one fin broke off on landing-fin was reattached.

(First launch session with Estes E Launch Controller-performed perfectly).
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