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Flight Data 5/19/12

Flight Location:  Horning Farm (Manchester, Michigan)  Weather Conditions:  Sunny, Humidity 43%, Temperature 78 Degrees Farenheit, Wind SSE 7 MPH

(30th flight session with Jackson Model Rocket Club)

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Flight Data

Rocket Name:  Aerobee-150  Manufacturer:  Semroc  Engine(s):  C11-5  Payload:  None  Recovery16 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-430 ft.-moderate drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Mega Mosquito  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  E9-6  Payload:  None  Recovery22 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-785 ft.-moderate drift on recovery.

Rocket Name
:  QCC Explorer  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  D12-5  Payload:  None 
Recovery18 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-some weathercocking on lift-off-predicted altitude-625 ft.-moderate drift on recovery.

Rocket Name:  Sky Raider  Manufacturer:  Estes  Engine(s):  C11-5  Payload:  None  Recovery16 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-520 ft.-moderate drift on recovery-one fin cracked off on landing-fin was reattached.

Rocket Name:  WAC Corporal  Manufacturer:  Semroc  Engine(s):  B6-4  Payload:  None  Recovery12 in. parachute  Comments:  Good flight-predicted altitude-470 ft.-moderate drift on recovery.

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