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My Kodak Family

At the 2003 Xmas party with my cool bosses: Jane (my boss in Entertainment Imaging) and Buddy (my boss in Digital & Applied Imaging). Haha. Like a mom, dad & kid pic!

With Vic: kinda like a big sister to me (esp. during out-of-town trips). She's the same age as my real sis!

With Bianca: a perky new addition to the Entertainment Imaging division... now we're like the Powerpuff Girls! All-female team (Jane, Vic, Bianx & I)

The Powerpuff Girls of Kodak!

Once Upon a Time When I Dragged 'em to an AKAfellas gig...*teehee* (L to R) Vic, Sherlz *aww, I'm gonna miss yah Sherlz!:( *, Bianx and me