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At the 18th Phil. Advertising Congress
November 2003; Camp John Hay, Baguio City

Ahhh. Star-gazing. (1) Kyla at the booth area; (2) I managed to get into the VIP area/backstage of the Radioworks gig and what better way to spend it but to have my pictures taken, of course! There's yummy JAY R, DJ Myke and Robi of the AKAfellas.

At the Manila Film Festival 2003
June 19, 2003; Aliw Theater, CCP Complex, Manila

Top photos: I managed to have a snapshot with Brad Turvey (Yes, that singing dude from that unforgettable Mandy Moore Penshoppe TV ad and also the TTH guy at the Morning Rush with Chico & Delamar at Monster Radio RX 93.1) and Carlo Muñoz.

Bottom photos: With my officemates Wena, Michelle & Ge.


The Kodak Filmschool Competition: With cinematographers and directors at LVN Pictures during the judging of film entries. (L to R) Me, Carlitos Siguion-Reyna, Vic (Kodak), Miguel Fabie, Boy Yñiguez, Jane (Kodak), Shane Clemente,Giboy Vistan, Raymond Red and George Toralba (LVN).

At the 17th Phil. Advertising Congress
November 21-24, 2001; Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City

Our booth at the 17th PAC's exhibit area: My boss at Entertainment Imaging, Jane (standing) and Vic (in pink shirt) who handles the commercial segment.

Oh who cares if it's sooo jologs?!: At our booth with actors Dominic Ochoa (who was such an extremely pleasant guy... and of course, cute!) and Marvin Agustin

Yaparazzi!: With trendy columnist/partyphile Tim Yap.

17th PAC's Araw Awards: With Ms. Marissa Floirendo, winner of Kodak Vision Technical Excellence Award for Best Cinematography for her work in the Caltex 'Street" commercial. (L to R) Edwin (handles the features segment), me, Marissa, Lynton (from Kodak Australia) and Vic.

Havin' a blast at Cebu City's famous night spot "Mi Vida!": With some friends from work.