Since his school years, Pierre André THIBAULT has always been interested in art, style, and design history as a HOBBY. He is pictured here in 1993 on a private collection research photo, between the "Emperor Vitellius", dated from perhaps as early as A.D. 1470, "Fishermen" by Rubens or Rubens' School, from maybe 1620, and the "Vallombrosa Madonna" or "Madonna del Cardellino", possibly by RAPHAEL himself, from 1505. For more about Pierre A. Thibault's comparative study between this Madonna and another of Raphael' several possible originals or replicas of a same masterpiece, namely a possible original of the "Madonna della Sedia", 1515, also in another private collection, click below on ART. Studies as "Prehistoric References", and "Prehistoric Venuses", can be seen by clicking below. For more about Pierre A. THIBAULT's personal record and Curriculum Vitae, click on CV. For more references, send an email. Copyright © PAT 2004. All rights reserved.

Prehistoric References
Prehistoric Venuses

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