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Company Profile
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What we do

ASE's broad commercial experience means that it can offer a diverse range of integration skills applicable to commercial settings varying from food to water, steel and minerals. The cross-fertilisation of skill and experience that results from this, leads to innovation in design and significant gains in system performance.

With the breadth of experience gained from working with automation and control system manufacturers as well as end-users, ASE has the detailed technical knowledge to design new systems as well as to modify or develop existing systems and applications.

Our system design experience covers many applications:


Materials handling systems                        Furnace Control

Conveyors                                                     PLC Networking

Sortation systems                                        SCADA/MIS

Machine and process control                      Data Communications

Supervision systems                                     Bespoke Applications

Barcode Tracking                                          Real-time stock Control

Power & Switchgear Control                      Alarm Monitoring


The long-term success of any installation is dependent upon the quality of system documentation and training available to key personnel. ASE prides itself on producing comprehensive, easy to use manuals and practical and effective training services.

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