Interesting Covers and Other Items - 2013 - Page 1

This section is designed to highlight particularly interesting covers, especially those that have recently been sold on eBay or in another auction.
Previous Interesting Covers
Page 2

 Beck Crew Cover

This rare Beck Crew cover sold for $85 on eBay

 STS-51L & Apollo 11 Covers

This the most difficult to find Recovery Ship cover from STS-51L. It sold on eBay for $158.50.

  This cover, while not as scarce as the previous one, is hard to find. It sold on eBay for $66.

This hard to find Beck cover (note the hand cancel) soldon eBay for Euro 38.

 Rare Beck Crew Cover

This rare cover sold for $124.50 on eBay.

 Recovery Ship Covers Bring Good Prices on eBay

Recovery Ship covers, especially signed ones, have been bringing good prices with strong bidding on eBay this year showing that the market for such covers is improving. Some of the rarer covers have brought outstanding prices. Below is a range of recent sales.

This extremely rare signed Mercury 6 helicopter cover sold for $821!

A rare NASA Recovery Team cover signed by the Apollo 12 astronauts sold for $360.

These three signed covers (none from a PRS) sold for $112.

A nice Gemini 5 signed PRS cover sold for $51.

A rare Mercury 9 Morris Beck Crew cover sold for $78 along with two other numbered Beck covers.

A Lake Champlain cover with a late postmark sold for $79.60.

This interesting cover has a MA-8 USS Enterprise postmark plus what appears to be a one year anniversary postmark from the
USS Kearsarge. It sold for $45.

This interesting Mercury 8 USS Lake Champlain SRS cover with a Karcher cachet and a Navy seal cachet sold for $27.

This Beck B998 cover signed by Alexey Leonov and Deke Slayton sold for $61.

This rare Gemini 5 PRS cover has both a machine and hand postmark! It sold for $39.

 Two Amazing Prices on eBay


Another extremely rare signed Mercury 6 helicopter cover sold for an amazing $1475! This sort of money use to be reserved for MR-3 USS Lake Champlain covers!

And this less than perfect classic MR-3 USS Lake Champlain cover brought an even more amazing $2482.55!!

 More Amazing Prices on eBay

This extremely rare classic MA-6 USS Noa cover with a PM time slug sold for $1482.55!

This rare MR-4 USS Randolph (PRS) cover signed by the recovery helicopter co-pilot sold for $1336!

 Unusual Cachets Bring Sold Prices on eBay

This Beautiful hand painted cover sold for $47.

This US Navy emblem cover with a hand cancel sold for $25.48.

This interesting cover sold for $25

 More eBay Sales

This very nice Gemini 12 crew cover sold for $72.50.

This Gemini 10 Crew cover sold for $63.

This Beck B821 PRS cover signed by the Recovery pilot and the ship's Captain sold for $57.90.


This Gemini 5 PRS cover signed by the Commanding Officer sold for $37.

 And Even More Covers Sold on eBay

This extremely rare Captain's Cover with a machine cancel sold for $134.50.

This rare Gemini 10 PRS cover with both Navy and ship's cachets sold for $93.

This Morris Beck cover signed by Buzz Aldrin sold for $139.50

This rare signed Gemini 3 PRS cover sold for $53.

And the High Prices Keep Coming (on eBay)

This extremely rare PRS cover cover has a machine cancel. It was actually aboard the ship during recovery and was only available to the crew. It sold for $110.50.

This Apollo 13 Crew cover is postmarked on the 10th rather than the usual 17th. It sold for  $113.50!

The above two rare Beck covers were part of a group of 6 MA-9 Beck covers which sold for $188.50!

And Coming (on eBay)

This rare Apollo 7 USS Essex cover with both a Navy and ship's cachets sold for $158.50!

This hard to find Gemini training cover sold for $113.50!

This MR-3 USS Lake Champlain Riser fake with forged signatures sold for $158.50

And a List of Further Ebay Lots

1) Apollo 17 Captain's cover postmarked day before Recovery and signed Recovery Team Leader - $138.50
2) Apollo 13 Flown Helicopter Recovery Cover signed - $85
3) Apollo 7 PRS cover with Commanding Officer HAS & signed by members of the Recovery Team - $77
4) Apollo 11 PRS cover with hand cancel signed by Commanding Officer & Recovery Pilot - $57
5) Apollo 7 PRS cover signed by members of the Recovery Team - $40
6) Mercury 3 PRS First Anniversary Cover signed by Shepard - $46
7) Gemini 2 PRS cover with a red cachet & hand cancel - $35

 Four Extremely Rare Classic Recovery Ship Covers (on eBay)

This rare SRS cover from MA-5 sold for $599!

This just as rare SRS cover from MR-4 bsold for $699!

This rare MR-2 SRS cover from MR-2 sold for $292.

This MR-2 PRS cover sold for $191.50. It should be noted that the actual mission was 31 January 1961. However, few if any covers are kown with the correct date.

 Four Signed PRS Covers from eBay

This very nice signed PRS cover with a C.O. Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Five corner card sold for $77.

This signed Apollo 11 PRS cover sold for $57.

This Apollo 13 Helicopter Recovery Cover, also signed by Fred Haise, sold for $85.

This Gemini 7 signed PRS cover with associated note sold for $147.50!

  Unusual Beck Covers on eBay

This Beck Crew cover sold for an amazing $228.50! Note that it is addressed to Skelley.

This Beck cover was designated for the USS Joseph P. Kennedy but was diverted to the USS Wasp. It sold for $93! Again, Note that it is addressed to Skelley.

One of the hardest to find Beck covers sold for a solid $79.50.

  Two Early Mercury Previously Unknow Covers plus three other Rare Covers sold on eBay

This is the first and only known cover from the USS Davis for MA-5. It sold for $1049 with 23 bids for 6 keen bidders!

This is also the first and only known cover from the USS Vesole for MA-1. It sold for $864 with 10 bids from 5 keen bidders!

This was the hardest fought lot with an amazing 47 bids from 8 bidders! It eventually sold for $760! Note that it is a rare Crew cover signed by the Captain (thus a Captain's Cover Type 2). Very Unusual for this mission.

This rare MR-4 USS Randolph cover with a nice clear postmark sold for $899 with 45 bids from 7 bidders.

Finally, this great set of three rare covers from the MOL mission sold for $899.

  Rare MA-6 USS Randolph Cover

This highly desireable USS Randolph cover is signed by John Glenn and the Recovery helicopter pilot. It sold on eBay for $370.50!

  Two Unusual Captain's Covers Sold on eBay

This Gemini 7 Captain's cover not only has the Commanding Officer's corner card but is signed by both the Commanding Officer and the Recovery helicopter pilot. It sold for $189.50!

Note that as well as the signature, this Captain's cover is unusual in being signed the day before recovery. It sold for $138.50.

  More Good Prices on eBay

This interesting MA-7 USS Intrepid cover with missing colour sold for $108.50.

This rare Skylab 3 cover, often incorrectly described as a Captain's cover, sold for $80.

This rare Skylab 4 cover, often incorrectly described as a Captain's cover, sold for $141.50.

This late postmarked, signed MR-3 cover sold for $257.

This Apollo 13 Crew cover sold for $128.50.

This MA-9 USS Intrepid cover signed by Gordon Cooper &  her Commanding Officer sold for a remarkable $316!

This Gemini 10 Crew cover (often described as a Captain's cover) on a long envelope sold for $177.50.

 Four Recovery Covers sold on eBay

This wonderful Apollo 17 cover is signed by 11 members of the Recovery Team. It sold for $111.50!

This nice Signed Apollo 8 cover sold for $103.40. Signed covers from this early Apollo manned mission are hard to find.

This Apollo 11 helicopter recovery cover sold for $59

This signed Skylab 4 helicopter recovery cover sold for $73

 Two Unusual Apollo Covers bring Good Prices

This Apollo 12 Recovery Team cover sold on eBay for 79 Euro.

And this interesting Apollo 13 cover sold on eBay for $64

This page © Dr Ross J Smith
This page is maintained by the
Last modified on 2 May 2013