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    Currently, I only have the standard lobe piercings: five in my left ear, and three in my right ear. Right now, I want to get an industrial piercing at the top of my right ear... but my parents sort of freaked when I told them what I wanted, and being me, I am afraid to disappoint and/or show any sort of independent streak because that is, well, me.

    I'm not a big one in the "other" piercings, I'm mostly an ear piercing gal. I can't stand those flesh tunnels or plugs (whatever term you want to use) because that is just disgusting to me. I also would not get nipple piercings, my tongue pierced, my labret, or anything else, just the ears.

    Here's a nifty pic of an industrial piercing (NOTE: Not my ear, I just like the looks of this one and I got it here :) :

    That's the typical industrial. There's another one called a vertical industrial that goes through the top of your ear (I believe it is called the helix, don't quote me on that) and goes through the bottom of your ear, called the conch. That one would hurt, but it looks cool all the same.

    Here's a diagram of the ear and it's piercing parts (thank you, I love you):