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 Spaceb HomePage




My Info




"I'll fly up your ass if money's right!"


This is my WarBirds FreeHost home page. If you want to complain for my warp... bug off! 

Thanks for visiting and please don't come back again.

BF109 G-10

Latest News:

Freehost section was updated with my score in each squad.
I was awarded with a War Merit Cross by JG27.
I added the link to JG27's web page.
I was promoted to 2ยบ Lt Aviador Naval do Corpo da Armada. My first 10 Squadron nights at VF-1... Salut!
Ok, I updated the page: I'm new member of JG27 "Afrika Korps", thanks Jeff.

JG27 Logo

I added two tracks of IJN attacks.
I'm really ill so I won't be flying.
I added more sites in the Links.
My Home Page is up! well... that's some news! 
I managed to figure out how to use the damn FrontPage

Last Updated 13/10/03.

Best Viewed in 800x600, well I guess.