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Ground Ball Jump Step


Start in the defensive stance. Move quickly to get your body in front of the ball. Bend your knees and open your glove to the ball. Field the ball next to your glove-side foot, then jump onto your other foot before releasing the ball.


"The jump step gives you lots of momentum in the direction you throw the ball, resulting in a fast, strong throw."

Step 1  

  •  Start in the defensive stance 

  • Be ready 
  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart 
  • Lean forward on the balls of your feet 
  • Hold your glove in front of you 
  • Keep your throwing hand next to your glove



Step 2 

  •  Move quickly to get your body in front of the ball 

  • Bend your knees 
  • Lower your body to the ground 
  • Open your glove to the ball 
  • Field the ball next to and outside of your glove side foot 


Step 3  

  •  Take your glove past the mid line of your body toward your throwing shoulder 

  • Jump off of your glove side foot 
  • Land on your throwing side foot 
  • Rotate your front shoulder toward your throwing target 



Step 4  

  • Shift your weight back 

  • Bring your arm back, then up and over your head 
  • Release the ball with a snap of your wrist 


Skills Drills


Hundred foot drill 

 Practice the jump step with a partner. Stand 100 feet apart and throw long ground balls to each other. Field the balls and take a jump step to throw the ball back to your partner.


Stationary drill 

Try practicing the jump step simply by running up to a stationary ball, fielding it and taking a jump step. You do not need to release the ball to practice the basic motion. 


Troubleshooting Tips

Turn Your Shoulder to the Target 


If you have trouble making accurate throws on the jump step, focus on turning your shoulder to your target. If you still have trouble, check out the lesson on basic throwing.



Trouble Transitioning? 

 If you have a tough time transitioning from fielding the ball to taking the jump step, make sure you pick it up just outside of your glove-side foot. Practice jumping off your front foot and onto your back foot, keeping good tempo and body control.


READ     "Turning two"



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Jon Anderson