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Ground Ball Backhand


Start in the defensive stance, with your glove palm-side up, ready to field a ground ball. You typically backhand a ball that is hit toward your throwing-hand side. When you are unable to get directly in front of the ball before it reaches you, reach out and turn your glove over so your palm is facing the ball.


"If you are a righty, backhand a ball that is hit far enough to your right side that you cannot field it with the palm of your glove hand up."


Step 1

  • Start in the defensive stance 

  • Be ready 
  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart 
  • Balance your weight on the balls of your feet 
  • Keep your hands up in front of you 
  • Keep your glove ready 

Step 2

  • Follow the ball as it goes to your far right 

  • Step to the right with your left foot 
  • Push off with your right foot 
  • Get as close to the path of the ball as you can 

Step 3

  • Turn your palm over when it becomes clear that you are unable to get in front of the ball

  • Reach so that you can easily field the ball on your right side
  • Keep your elbow pointed away from your body 
  • Catch the ball close to your left foot 

Step 4


  • Plant your right foot 

  • Step toward your target with your left foot 
  • Take the ball out of your glove with your throwing hand
  • Position your glove-hand shoulder toward your target
  • Bring the ball back 
  • Shift your weight back 
  • Bring your arm up and over your head 
  • Throw the ball with a snap of your wrist 

Skills Drills


Distance drill 

Have a teammate or coach hit balls to your left and right at ever increasing distances. Work on getting in front of the ball so you can avoid using the backhand. Balls hit at a distance requiring the backhand become that much easier, since you gain experience getting close to the ball.  


Position drill 

 Get into the actual fielding position for a backhand-knees bent, your dominant side foot slightly in front of your non-dominant side foot, glove turned over, palm-side down and low to the ground. Have a teammate throw some short hops and field them with your glove, staying in the backhand fielding position.





"Working the infield"



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Jon Anderson