Change Up
There are many grips for a change-up. A common one is thrown with your first three fingers spread evenly around the ball and with the same delivery as the fastball. Its slow speed is intended to fool hitters, making them swing too early or off balance. Use it as a complement to your fastball and keep hitters guessing.
"This is a good pitch to teach kids early on. It does not risk their arms like the breaking pitches, yet it lets them change speeds effectively."
Step 1 Grip the ball First three fingers each running across two seams about a half-inch apart Thumb and pinky close together beneath the ball Keep the ball loose but very deep in your hand |
Step 2 Make your pitching delivery Release the ball directly toward home plate Palm behind and under the ball Use normal arm speed Keep fingers very loose upon release |
Skills Drills
Unlike breaking pitches, the change-up is easy on the arm, so the best way to get comfortable with this pitch is to just throw it. Any time you are warming up or tossing with a friend, try the change-up. In no time, you should feel right at home with it on the mound
Crow hop drill
Throwing the change up with the long toss "crow hop" drill will help develop fastball arm speed, which is critical in this pitch.
Troubleshooting Tips
Trouble with Control?
If you are having trouble with control, you may be
gripping the ball too tightly. A loose grip lets the ball roll off
your hand slowly. Because the ball is so deep in your hand, a tight
grip can direct the pitch straight into the dirt.
Stay Low in the Strike Zone
Always concentrate on keeping the change-up low in the
strike zone. If you leave it up in the zone, it's sayonara baseball,
hello home run.
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Jon Anderson