= basic = intermediate = advance
taking the mound Learn to take the mound properly and maximize your advantage over the hitter.
windup delivery Learn this basic pitching motion which will increase your momentum and enhance your rhythm.
no-windup delivery With baserunners, use this delivery for a quick pitch.
4-seam fastball Learn to throw a pitch with the highest velocity and the least amount of movement.
stretch delivery Decrease the overall length of the delivery and the number of stolen bases against your team.
2-seam fastball Build your pitching repertoire and make hitters swing and miss as the pitch breaks back into the strike zone.
change-up Increase your number of strikeouts by throwing off a batter's balance and making batters swing too early.
pick-off move to first Enhance your team's defense by throwing out greedy first baserunners.
curve ball Learn to throw off batters' timing and swing locations when they are expecting a fastball.
slider Find out how to strikeout more batters with this high velocity pitch that has a sharp late break.
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Jon Anderson