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Philip & Jen's Jeff Conine Guestbook!

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Dan Lindsey Diamond Baseball Tours 12/Aug/2000:04:09:55
Nice site!!
Jazzy Jeff Rugar Jeff Conine Fan Page 31/May/2000:04:16:44
Great Page!!! 100 times better than my Jeff Conine Page. Jeff has been
my favorite player since I was 10 [Im 16 now] and Im glad to finally
find another page dedicated to him. I've always wanted to meet him in
person and I agree about him being a great person. He has signed two
cards for me via mail. You guys are lucky to meet him in person.

Jazzy Jeff R
tom griffin   16/Feb/2000:22:33:04
kickin' site. i'm really jealous u get to see kiss and nugent at close
range. hope your ears ring for a few years!!! j/k great to have you as
neighbors. more swillin' more grillin' to come
tom griffin   16/Feb/2000:22:30:07
Mr Baseball   25/Jan/2000:21:08:03
Your page is very nice and very well done. You guys are lucky to meet
someone as famous as Jeff Conine in person. Keep up the good work! :)
Kristina The Troy Glaus Site 22/Jan/2000:04:58:46
Yay!!! Nifty site you've got going here. I'm not really a big Conine
fan, but he's pretty funkalicious. Thanks for signing my book! Take care
and good luck with your site!
Terry (tbone) johnso   24/Dec/1999:02:25:36
fred kelso   15/Dec/1999:17:49:43
Looks good Phillip, get ICQ so we can talk about the site,l I am 4316348
Sir Glenn Sir Glenn's Homepage! 14/Dec/1999:09:49:07

We got voted #24 site last night
Paul -&- Karen   12/Dec/1999:19:36:34
Wow!! Great looking site guys! Very impressive! Very informative
about Jeff Conine!! We'll be checking back from time to time.
jim hasenzahl   11/Dec/1999:23:11:28
hey jen and philip !! i like your web site. you have done a great job.
i hope in the future, that jeff conine will visit this site, and sign
your guestbook. good luck jeff ! and great job, philip and jen !
jim p.s. jen can you get me backstage so i can meet brett michaels ?
Michael Cal Ripken Jr, a true HERO 11/Dec/1999:13:56:39
Great looking page, I hope the Orioles do better in 2000! Visit my Cal
Ripken Jr. Web Site!!
Mary Germain   10/Dec/1999:22:37:03
You GO Guy!!!
I've been working with computers for a longtime and haven't learned to
make a web page yet. Keep up the good work.
Jim   09/Dec/1999:18:12:37
Great site guys. It really kicks ass. Good luck and I look forward to
the future of this page.
mike curby   08/Dec/1999:22:28:16
man this page looks great! i'll check in from time to time to see the
progress!!!!!!! sir glenn your doing a great job!!!!! rock and roll!!!!
Charlaine Cal Ripken, Jr., Pride of the Orioles 07/Dec/1999:00:35:08
Cool site! Check out my Cal Ripken, Jr. site.
Cathi   05/Dec/1999:22:50:37
wow...i think ill have to start my own page after viewing way
impressed!...keep up the good work...cathi
Birdfreak The Birdnest 05/Dec/1999:19:35:51
Hey this site is really cool! Check out my O's site, The Birdnest.
Tiff   04/Dec/1999:03:18:28
Had no idea about the racquetball. Gee, I learn somethin' new every
day. This page is still kickin' ass!! I'm waiting for the pics! And,
hey! If you're gonna put up some chics in bikinis, then you gotta put
some guys on, too.
jen cerra Philip's Official Jeff Conine Website 03/Dec/1999:22:35:58
This is an awesome page. Please check it out in more detail. I have a
special "Thank You" to go out to Glenn for helping out with the
webpage. His graphics are kick ass. Hope everyone is enjoying the
website so far.
mike curby mike's hooches 03/Dec/1999:21:07:05
p.s. philip, and jeff conine fans, check out my web site after visting
this page!!!!!!! take care!!!!!!!!!!!
mike curby mike's hooches 03/Dec/1999:21:01:37
it's about time somebody put up a jeff conine web page! i can tell in
the future, that this site will kick ass!!!!!!...........philip, we
need some pictures of ladies, in bikini's, up on the fan pics page!!!!!!
women show your support for jeff conine!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........keep up
the good work " BIG POPPA P " this site is gonna kick some serious ass
in the near future!!!!!! rock and roll, and party hard!!!!!!! WOO, WOO,
george   03/Dec/1999:14:36:58
jeff who??????
Jay   01/Dec/1999:23:54:43
Site is looking good so far. Can't wait to see the entire site when it
is finished
ricky   01/Dec/1999:02:18:48
pretty cool!!!!
Dave Cerra   01/Dec/1999:00:52:20
Awesome site!! I'm impressed.
Tiff   30/Nov/1999:22:49:51
Lookin' good! Jeff must be proud! I must admit to not being a big fan
of baseball... but, Philip! The way you word things... the way you're
putting it all together... well, it just puts the world of baseball in
a whole new light! I am impressed.
Tina Dudding Cole   30/Nov/1999:03:41:58
Pretty Kewl web page cuz!! I check back soon even though I'm not a
baseball fan......


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