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About this site

I created this website on May 14, 2002 in the full knowledge that Bernice Mene had retired as captain of the Silver Ferns, and would most likely retire from the Southern Sting as well, come the end of the season. Nonetheless, I think Bernice is a wonderful person who has done a lot for New Zealand not only through her sporting excellence, but also through her untiring willingness to promote all manner of worthy causes, and I hope she will continue to do so when her netball career comes to an end.

I have to confess that I had scarcely heard of Bernice Mene until she was reported to be dating cricketer Dion Nash in December 1999. My excuse is that I'm an Australian, and I had never played or watched netball. Since then, however, I have taken the time to find about more about Bernice, who is often called the "media darling" of New Zealand. In the process, I have developed an interest in the Southern Sting's feats, to the point where my daily trips around New Zealand sport websites now often include the netball pages as well as my beloved cricket.

I have Jo to thank for encouraging me to create this site - the "pink Bernice site", to match my "blue Dion site" - and also for the pictures and magazine clipping she sent me, not to mention that wonderful "One of Mene" T-shirt from Selectix, which confuses everyone ;) Thanks Jo! I have also noticed that there are no longer any fan sites dedicated to Bernice Mene on the internet. I hope that my humble efforts, then, can stand as a tribute to this New Zealand sporting legend.

Kit (site curator)
June 2002

