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is an eighth grader at Still Middle School and is 13 years old. She has a little brother named Kevin. This is her third year in Steperettes. Paula’s favorite guard memory is, ” When I went to Dayton, OH last year for the Nationals to watch. I got out of school on Friday to leave, and I stayed for about three days. Best of all, there were no parents”. Her advice to new members is, “Be prepared to get hit with equipment pieces. It could be your own or someone else’s piece. It hurts every single time, and unfortunately getting hit happens a lot”.  A special thank you goes out to Vicki, Howie, and Julie for being great teachers and also to my family, for being supportive. Thanks to Kirstie for introducing me to Winterguard. Kudos to Katie and Sarah for being great friends and helping teach. Last but not least, to everyone else in the Winterguard for helping to make this a great last year for me.




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