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Closing results

Like all the others, also closing can be used to remove noise from an image. It removes 'pepper'-noise from the image. Closing the following image with a 3x3 kernel,

gives us an image without 'pepper'-noise:


In the next image, we can see that some parts of the receiver have backgroundpixels. Closing this image with a 3x3 kernel,


Closing the original image with a 5x5 kernel gives already a better result:

Using bigger kernels will result in an completely white (foreground) receiver.

Graylevel closing can be used to select and preserve particular intensity patterns while attenuating others. Closing the following image with a 5x5 kernel,


Notice how the dark specks in between the bright spots in the hair have been largely filled in to the same color as the bright spots, while the more uniformly colored nose area is largely the same intensity as before. Similarly the gaps between the white whiskers have been filled in.


[Dilationresults] [Erosionresults] [Openingresults]