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Erosion results


the result of eroding the following image with a 3x3 kernel,

gives us:

Eroding the same picture with a 5x5 kernel gives us:

Note that the highlights have disappeared, and that many of the surfaces seem more uniform in appearance due to the elimination of bright spots. The body of the cube has grown in size since it is darker than its surroundings. We can see this even better if we erode again with the 5x5 kernel:


We can also use eroding to remove 'salt'-noise from an image. For example: eroding the following image with a 5x5 kernel,

gives us an image without 'salt'-noise.


In the next example we'll see that the circle becomes bigger and bigger every time we erode it. The result of eroding the following image with a 5x5 kernel,


Eroding this image a second time with the 5x5 kernel gives:

[Dilationresults] [Openingresults] [Closingresults]