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Chapter 3 (3 ninjas 2 alaska)

guys, please gimme some feedback on this if you can. Coz i really worked my butt off on this. Remind me to never do that coz it wasn't fun...hee.hee.
Chapter 2
Aw...God...Colt Groan as he felt cold wetness against his skin. 
"Colt!!!" TumTum cried.
Rocky and TumTum ran downstream as Colt struggles in the rapids.
‘Very smooth Douglas.' Colt thought as he collide with a rock,
he grunts then tried to grasp it with his frigid hands, no good,
the rock was too slippery. 
"This is bad! Really really bad!" Rocky yelled as he ran along. 
"We gotta help him somehow!" TumTum yelled back.
"Hold!" Rocky picked up a stick. "Colt! Grab this!" he shouted
 then hovered over the river bank, extending the stick to the water. 
Colt struggled to get it but the myriad force of the river sent him 
 to the opposite direction.
"Damn." Rocky muttered, simultaneously, TumTum whispers,
"What?" Rocky asked breathlessly?
TumTum pointed toward where Colt was heading, a little waterfall. 
"Oh no, oh no, oh no, no, no, no." Rocky shook his head as 
he watched his brother go...down...and outta sight. He grabbed TumTum.
"Come on!"
"AHH-hhhh-hhhh..."Colt screamed as he made a rough trip down the waterfall. 
coming down!Just as he thought that 
is it'. The water had belittled and was calm and  tranquil...
Colt grasped the loose sand/mineral on the bottom of the now...shallow 
then slowly came to a halt. He dragged his exhausted body then made it 
to the other end.
 His whole body felt sore, as if he had been through a washing machine. 
He collapsed, 
he had never been that scared in his whole life. But THAT was too much...
"Colt are you okay?!?" Rocky yelled from the other side, amazed by the
 sudden shift of the river, 
it was now transparent and ‘ever so calm'. 
Colt could only reply the truth, "NO!" his voice strained. 
"We're coming over there!" Rocky told Colt. 
TumTum and Rocky made their way through the shallow water.
 Carrying their shoes and socks. 
"Burrrr...that was cold." TumTum said as he sat next to Colt. 
Colt gave him a look.
"Colt are you okay?" Rocky looked at his brother. 
Colt was completely soaked and shivering. 
" you thing...think?" 
"Take your clothes off." Rocky ordered. The sun had came 
up and the weather was a bit warmer. Still, it was cold. 
Colt gave Rocky an ‘you are insane' look. 
"Oh, c'mon. Your gonna get hypothermia if you don't. You don't 
wanna die do you?" Rocky was having trouble untying Colt's shoelaces. 
"You know what? After what I've been through.
 Dying doesn't seem so harsh." Colt mumbled.
Rocky sighed, "well, think about it this way, the way...hurry up and take ‘em off."
Colt groaned then started stripping down his clothes.
"Great, it doesn't matter that I almost died, at least I found the way!" 
Colt yelled sarcastically. 
"You really don't sound too bad with that tell Colt." TumTum said. 
Colt stared at Tum as he shivers. "Gee, thanks." 
"TumTUm, go get some woods , sticks, anything that can burn." Rocky ordered. 
"Okay." TumTum got up. 
Rocky took his coat off then covered Colt, who was in his boxers, with it.
He had only a sweatshirt left. 
Colt was still trembling. 
TumTum returned with some sticks. 
"Here Colt, have my coat too." The little one said as he took off his coat. 
"Thanks Tum...Tum.." Colt whispered. "Jesus it's cold..."
Now Colt was covered completely. 
Though starring at his brother's blue lips. Rocky frowned with concern. 
He rubbed Colt's body, in order to create heat. 
"You're gonna be okay, little buddy." Rocky patted Colt on the back. 
He then started gathering some rocks, while yelling at TumTum, "Tum,
 give Colt one of those candy bars!" 
Tum did what was asked. 
Rocky returned with the rocks then set them in a circle. 
He glanced at Colt, at least he wasn't trembling. Rocky put an arm across Colt. 
"You really gained some weight huh?" He grinned slyly. 
Colt gave Rocky and evil glare but was unable to 
come up with a good come back. 
"Tum are you cold?" Rocky put his other arm around
 Tum, in only his gray sweater. 
"I'm fine." Tum was lying Colt's clothes in the sun. 
"You had to wear jeans huh?"
 He asked Colt. "THEY TAKE FOREVER TO DRY!!" 
Colt shrugged with a smile.
Rocky started to place a bunch of woods in the middle of the rocks.
"Let's see if this works." He murmured then rubbed two sticks against 
each other. 
"Your not doing what I thin you are doing are you?" Colt asked.
"I thought you do it with rocks." Tum said.
Rocky sighed, "this um...might take a while."
"Hey, if nothing else, we're sure doing this THE ORTHODOX way!" 

    Scene shows a man, piling a polar bear fur on a table. 
Scene shows room. Filled with polar bear furs, on the walls, on the tables...
Rocky, Colt and TumTum were sitting by the campfire. 
The sun was on the west side, almost touching the tips of the mountains. 
"I guess this means we're not gonna make it back to the cabin 
today." TumTum said dejectedly.
Rocky glanced over at the sun, it was bright red, dyeing the clouds 
into various colors of red, orange and violet. 
"We're spending the night here." Rocky said. 
"Ho..ho...hold it." Colt rose his hands up, 
"your kidding right? It's the wilderness out here!" 
Colt was in his semi wet jeans and shirt, his coat was still wet. 
He hugged himself, scooting closer to the campfire.
"Oh COME ON, what's the worst that can happen?" Rocky argued.
"Well...let's see, we could get eaten.." Colt nodded his head. 
Rocky rolled his eyes while smiling. 
"Look, it'll be more dangerous if we go through the the DARK." 
"Guys, I'm really really hungry." TumTum was majorly depressed.
Colt threw him a candy bar (yeah...Granpa packed a lot of them, lol). 
"Hey, maybe granpa will come and get us outta here. He has to be worried by now." 
"Fat chance, he probably won't even find us." 
Colt sighed, "fine, but all I'm sayin' is, if I wake up 
tomorrow and can't find my head, you're DEAD." Colt pointed 
to Rocky with a sly grin. 
And so, the 3 brothers spent their evening telling stories
 and eating the remaining candy bars. AND, for the 1st time 
in his life, TumTum slept on an empty stomach(no midnight snack).
 Right beside him was Colt and Rocky on the other side. Rocky stayed 
up for a while, feeding the fire with sticks. Nevertheless, he soon drifted 
to sleep,
 using Tum as a pillow, as Tum used Colt as a pillow, as Colt used his coat...

Colt woke up as the bright sun shone on his face. He felt his right arm numb,
 he glanced over, there was TumTum and his head. The temperature rose to a
 beautiful degree and Colt's coat was dry. He pondered as he stared as 
the deep blue sky. 
‘Is granpa worried about them?' Well, don't you worry granpa, coz WE ARE
 the 3 NINJAS.
Scene shows granpa, talking on a cell phone. 
"Yes, three boys, ages 15, 14 and 10. Yes, 
blond, brown and brown. Thank you officer."
 Granpa Mori pressed the dial tone then 
slowly set the phone down.
‘Please be okay boys...' he thought to himself, ‘please...' 
‘And please don't kill me Jessica...'
"Don't eat any of the berries you pick till you show it to 
me okay?" Rocky yelled at TumTum. 
It was close to noon and the NINJAS were trying to
 get food for their empty stomachs. 
"Okay, whatever! What makes you such an expert anyhow?" Tum questioned.
"I just AM!" Rocky grinned. He rolled up his jeans then 
stepped in to the clear water. "Any luck?" He asked Colt. 
They were trying to catch fishes. (Like how they did on Mulan? Lol)
"No," Colt grunted his teeth. "And my patience is WEARING..."
Rocky sighed then focused his eyes back to the calm water. 
There's gotta be fishes around here. A ninja is... a heart, 
a mind..a body...and spirit...a ninja is a heart...a mind...Suddenly, 
he saw a glimpse of silver, it was's a fish!
Concentrate! He reached into the water, heart...mind...body...spirit...he 
find slippery goo on his hands. He quickly ran a shore and dropped the 
fish on the ground. It wiggled and struggle but finally settled. ‘Yes!' 
he thought.
"Whao, nice job Rocky.: Colt gave his brother a thumbs up. 
Rocky grinned as he stared at the fish. It wasn't a big one, only about
 8 inches long . 
But still, it was a lot better than nothing, a lot. 
"There's just one problem." Colt walked toward Rocky. 
"What?" Rocky asked worriedly.
"I HATE LITTLE FISHES!!!" Colt exclaimed. 
Rocky glared at the fish as it laid dead, then back at Colt. 
"Trust me, you can eat anything eatable if your hungry."
"Alright guys!" TumTum ran along with his shirt full 
(he used Colt's T-shirt as a basket) of berries. 
Colt wrinkled his nose, "there goes my T-shirt." 
the crisp white tee was stained with berry juices.
"For lunch, gentlemen. Fish and berries." Rocky smiled.
After the bountiful gifts from nature. The 3 NINJAS resumed their destination,
 back to the route! They has crossed through another wood and was walking on 
the plains that were covered with fresh grass. 
"This is endless." Tum sighed. 
"Let's rest." Rocky said.
ahh...the endless plains... 
The guys had been walking without stopping for the past...hours. 
Colt sighed, "I thought you'd never say that." 
The 3 boys sat by a bush to catch their breath. 
"Hey, if nothing else, that was a heck of an adventure." Colt pointed out. 
"Oh yeah." Tum nodded. He was sick n' tired of walking. 
"What does this have to do with Ninjas again?"
Everyone shrugs.
A couple minutes later, only the soft breeze and their 
inhales..exhales can be heard. Then...TumTum interrupted
 the sereneness with a quivering voice.
"What ..?Rocky mumbled, he had his eyes closed. 
"Help." Tum squeaked.
Colt and Rocky opened their heavy eyelids. Colt's hazel eye 
grew big as Rocky opened his mouth in shock. 
A polar bear was practically breathing on Tum...
"Um...does Ninja work on...polar bears?" 
Colt asked in a small voice...

hello mr.bear. How are you doing 2day?
(author's note)Thank you for reading you all...groan I gotta go to sleep.
 Chapter 4's 
not coming til I recover. Next time, I'll do it little by little.

Chapter 4