As the women stood in line for one of the shows Renee and Emmiline shared a happy gaze. They were both thinking back to the special Spark had done for Disney. It had fallen through the first time they’d been offered because of scheduling conflicts. Then they had left The Truth management for the newly operational Shooting Stars, which was run by none other than Jaclyn and Mae. It had taken Disney awhile to get used to the idea of an all female production company handling the hottest female act in pop, but they had, and so they had offered again and this time Spark was able to accept.

“You guys remember that special you did here?” Mae asked, turning to them. They made faces at her.

“No. We completely forgot.” Em said sarcastically. “Of course we remember Maebee-baby.” Jacks stifled a laugh and Reny shook her head smiling.

“Well, I was just thinking, wasn’t that when Kit and Jamie hooked up?” Mae asked when the teasing subsided. The line moved and they all filed into the theater. Reny sat on one end with Mae on the other, Em and Jacks in the middle. While Em and Jacks fought playfully over the armrest, Renee leaned over and whispered to Mae as the lights dimmed.

“I think you’re right Maebee.” Mae smiled.

“See? I’m not as stupid as I look.” There was a pause as the others looked at her. Mae blushed and they all had to clap hands over their mouths to keep from laughing as the show began. It was a good show, funny if nothing else. Em’s mind, as it had a tendency to do, drifted back to Mae’s question about Kit and Jamie.


Em and Reny sat in their dressing room watching Kit pace back and forth in front of the open door. It was twenty minutes to show and the first opening act was missing. She’d finally gotten a call an hour before saying something about a broken down bus. Now she paced, worrying about the job she’d just gotten.

“Kit, it’ll be ok.” Em called. Kit just waved a hand; the other was planted firmly in her mouth as her teeth attacked a nail. Em and Reny exchanged worried glances. They both knew that Kit really wanted to impress Mike with this. The original first opening act for this Unison tour had backed out last minute and it was Kit who’d found another one, proposed it to Mike, and been hired as a booking agent on the grounds that everything went well. Now Kit’s future career hung in the balance because of some stupid bus.

“I’m sure Mike will hire her anyway.” Reny whispered as they left the dressing room to get their now habitual good luck hug from the guys.

“I sure hope so. She really wants this.” Em said, glancing back at Kit who still paced. The two girls opened the door to Unison’s dressing room only to get a really good view of Alex’s butt as he mooned Andy. Em groaned. “Ugh. Alex, I always thought I’d be saying this to Anton, but can you please keep your pants on?” They all laughed, as Alex quickly pulled up his pants and blushed.

“Hey, haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” He asked trying to save face. Em smiled as she put an arm around Jamie.

“Not if there’s the possibility of catching Andy in his skivvies.” She laughed and looked over at Andy, his arms around Reny’s waist.

“Anytime Emmy, you just name a place and I’ll be there.” He said as he wiggled his eyebrows. They all laughed. Jamie hugged Em and asked her about Kit.

“She’s still waiting. I don’t know what to do to calm her down. I mean, if they don’t show she doesn’t get her dream job.” Jamie furrowed his brow.

“Talk about pressure.” He said. Em nodded and went to hug Alex, who swiped at her bottom for embarrassing him. It wasn’t until all the hugs were given that they noticed that Jamie had disappeared.

“Where’s Jay?” Scott asked, checking the empty bathroom. “What is this? Boston or the Bermuda Triangle?” They chuckled at his joke, but began to search in earnest. Jamie never just ran off, he was too methodical about things to do that. Em opened the door and stepped out to see Jamie walk up behind Kit. She turned on her heel and ran right smack into his chest.

“Sorry.” She mumbled around the hand that was still in her mouth. Jamie took her hand away and bent it back, kissing her wrist. Then he placed Kits arm around his neck and kissed her lips.

“Your group is here.” He said tucking some stray strands of hair behind her ear.

“You could have just told me that.” She countered. She enjoyed giving him a hard time about things.

“But that wouldn’t have been half as fun.” He said smiling. He kissed her again, longer this time, even lifting her off the ground. Em hated to break up the new couple, but it was almost show time and the first group was going to need to set up. She coughed. Kit and Jamie paused in their kissing and turned to look at her, but didn’t release their hold of each other.

“Show?” She asked simply. The couple looked at her for a minute, then at each other, then back at her. They laughed, kissed one more quick kiss, and Kit skipped off to order around the delinquent singers. Jamie just stood there, watching her go. “Come on Prince Charming.” Em said taking his hand. “The others are looking for you.” He just smiled and shrugged.

“Ok.” He replied. “I calmed her down.” Em laughed at him.

“You sure did.”


The show ended and the lights came up. The women stood and waited for their turn to leave.

“You were wrong guys.” Em said. They all stared at her.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Jacks asked, making a face and laughing.

“Kit and Jamie didn’t hook up during the special. It was backstage, but it wasn’t then. It was when we were still opening for them instead of double headlining.”

“Ooohhhh yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh.” Reny said as her face lit up. “It was in Boston. Remember Jacks? She almost got fired before she got hired from Truth.”

“Now I remember. God, that was lucky.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I was thinking it was the special because that’s when she tripped and he caught her. I remember that because she was freaking out the next day.” They all laughed remembering the way Kit had been singing all that day. It was so obvious that they liked each other. It was just a matter of time before they stopped goofing around and got serious.

“I really miss that girl.” Em said, still smiling.

“Why don’t we call her?” Mae chimed in. Jacks got in on it too.

“Yeah, we might as well. Hell, we’ll make this week a little reunion. It’s been months since I’ve seen everybody. I mean, Paul and Jeff are probably in college by now.” The others gave her a look. “Ok, so maybe not, but it has been awhile.” They laughed. It was decided that when they got back to Reny’s there would be calls placed to Mississippi and California. They all felt each other’s absence very acutely after spending so many years in close quarters, and so it would be no problem convincing the others to come. The four women left the theme park that night feeling very excited and happy.

Chapter 8