So,” Sean said coming up behind Em that night at the restaurant. “How’s my favorite sister-in-law?” Em turned and gave him a big hug.

“Well, for being your only sister-in-law, ya schmuck, I’m doing really wonderful.” She said smiling. She turned to hug Jacks while Sean greeted Andy and Cameron danced around happily.

“Come on Slugger,” Andy said taking him by the hand. “We’re going to the table now.”

“Ok Daddy!” Cameron yelled. The adults laughed. Mae looked a little harried though.

“Oh sure, it’s funny now, but try it at three a.m.”

“Aww.” Jaclyn put her arm around Mae. “Cam could come stay with us for a few days if you need the sleep. Sean just adores Cammers. And I’ve been thinking that maybe it was time we had kids.”

“That’s great Jacks!” Em chirped. “You’d be a great mom!”

“Yeah, and hey, any time you want to borrow my little bundle of joy just let Lynn know. Oh, and Cameron too.” They all laughed and took their seats at their table.

“What did you say about my mamma?” Andy quoted from Pulp Fiction.

“Nothin ghetto boy. Help your son pick something out.”

“Oh he’s MY son huh? I suppose you had nothing to do with it?” Andy leaned in close to Mae.

“Sure I did. But just look at the boy…” They all paused to see Cameron talking to himself and making the spoon attack the fork. “That’s all you An.” Andy dropped his head dramatically.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He took hold of Mae’s hands. “Will you ever forgive me for having hyper genes Maebee-baby?” Mae laughed and kissed his cheek.

“Yeah. It’s all part of your charm.”

They all ordered and sat back contented to be in each other’s company. They all chatted about random nothings; the topics not really mattering as long as the voices that picked them up were familiar. Em liked to just sit back and listen. She watched Cameron. He would be listening to the adults but then suddenly giggle at his own jokes in his head. He was so like Andy it was uncanny.

“Wasn’t this the restaurant we went to when Jacks tricked us into meeting you?” Em spoke up as the waiter appeared with their dinner. Andy laughed.

“Yeah, I’ll never forget the look on your face Emmy. Or Kit’s. She was a riot.”

‘When is she not?” Jacks said sipping her drink. “But that night I really did think I was going to have to drive her home, she was so discombobulated.”

“Whatever Jacks.” Mae teased. “You weren’t thinking anything but how can I get Sean’s number.” Jacks blushed a little.

“You’re one to talk Mae. You and Scott didn’t even talk to anybody else the whole night!” Em countered, feeling it her duty to come to the aid of another foster Gilberti. It was Mae’s turn to blush.

“Ok, point taken.” They started eating again. Andy and Sean exchanging bemused glances. That had been a fun night, weird at first, but fun.

****Flashback**** The girls walked into the restaurant to find Kit sitting at the bar. She waved to the excitedly and ran over.

“Oh my God guys. That’s Sean Gilberti over there. He says he’s waiting for….” Kit’s mouth dropped open as in through the door strolled Unison. Scott put an arm around Mae, and Andy grabbed Em in a headlock. Jamie came forward and introduced himself first. Introductions were made all around and Sean came over from the bar.

“Is everybody ready? Cuz I have a table.” They nodded and dragged a still wide-eyed Kit along with them. They all sat around the table: Jacks, Mae, Scott, Jamie, Kit, Em, Alex, Andy, Anton, and Sean. It was obvious to everyone that there was something between Scott and Mae. They glanced only halfheartedly at anyone else but each other and answered questions with one word. Sean was openly hitting on Jacks, who resisted at first, but grew to really enjoy the attention. Jamie was just trying to calm Kit down; he put an arm around her and patted her shoulder. Em was left to entertain the others. Now, Em was scared out of her wits by these guys and so to compensate she became her alter ego, “sarcastic and bitchy”.

“So boys, your fan base is kinda young, you ever get underoos thrown onstage?” She said sipping her water. Alex shook his head.

“Oh no, you’re not going to play it like that. Jacks told us you were a fan. You might as well spill it.” Em blushed.

“Yeah, ok. I’m a fan. But I’m not exactly the typical fan, being that I’ve gone through puberty.”

“Yeah you have.” Anton mumbled. He didn’t think Em heard but she did, and glancing down saw that her shirt was a mite low.

“Hey now. Put your eyes back in your head big boy. This isn’t for you.” She yanked her shirt up and the guys laughed at Anton. She turned to Alex.

“So you’re the crazy one huh? I’m not seein it.” Alex leaned in and put his forehead on hers.

“Oh you will. You will.” Em just stared back at him, his eyes melding into one as she crossed hers.

“Be afraid, be very afraid.” He laughed and they were instant friends. “And how about you kid? Are you as big a ghetto freak as the teenies would like to think?”

“Yo G, dat be harsh. Why you gots ta be all up in mah grill?” Em stared at him for a minute. “I’m just playin. I don’t really talk like that. But it’s cool that I fooled everybody.”

“Not everybody Jr. I’ve seen Star Search, I know country doesn’t downshift into ghetto that fast.” They all laughed as Andy blushed.

“Listen my mom dressed me ok?”

“Yeah sure, you know you loved being poured into your wranglers and boots. And what was that, a twelve gallon hat on a five gallon head?” Em raised a smug eyebrow. She couldn’t hold it though, and began to giggle. The others joined in realizing it was all in fun. They even caught the attention of the budding couples.

After dinner they all sat around for quite some time until Kit sighed loudly and said she had to work early the next day. They all got up and the guys walked the girls to the cars. Mae and Scott shared a goodnight kiss and Sean slipped Jacks his number. Jamie just gave Kit a long hug and said he’d see her around. Andy and Alex ran up behind Em and smacked her butt. She retaliated and got Anton while she was at it.

“Who’s your Daddy!?” She yelled in the empty parking lot. They laughed and got into their cars and left.


Chapter 11