Renee and Em stood in the airport waiting for Alex, Mandi, and their brood to get off the plane. Alex came first, barreling down the hallway with Jeff clinging to his back and laughing. Paul wasn’t far behind, running as he dragged his and Jeff’s backpacks on the floor. Em received a huge hug from Alex and a small one from Jeff as he tried to crawl over his father’s back. Paul rushed into Reny’s arms and then the women switched.

“Alex.” A quiet voice said. They all turned to see Mandi weighted down with two carry-ons, baby carrier, and baby. They all rushed to help her. Alex took the carry-ons and gave Paul the carrier to hold while Em and Reny hugged Mandi. “I’m so glad you guys called.”

“We’re glad you came!” Reny took the carrier and Em scooped up Jeff, who squealed and giggled as she tickled him. They made their way to baggage claim and then out to the car.

“So what have the two of you been up to?” Reny asked as she drove to their hotel.

“Well,” Mandi answered over the din that came from the backseats where Alex, Em, and the boys were talking about football. “Alex is still trying to be a designer.”

“Hey I heard that. I am a designer.”

“Of course you are Honey. And I’m still doing print work. I wish I was as lucky as Em, “ Mandi raised her voice slightly. “I’d be grateful to anyone willing to give me a chance in a movie.” She smiled and glanced back at Em.

“Any time Mandi Candy. I’ll call you the next time I get to help with casting.”

“Thanks Em.”

“Hey, what are friends for? I just wish you would have told me sooner, I won’t be working a whole lot for awhile.”

“Oh that’s alright. I was only half serious anyway.” Alex threw his two cents in.

“She’s been dying to ask you Em, she was just too scared.” He whispered in Em’s ear.

“Poor little thing.” She whispered back. “Why in the world was she scared? Am I scary?” Alex’s answer was just a womanly shriek of terror. Em smacked him in the back of the head. “You’re a retard Alex.” Paul laughed.

“You called Daddy a retard.” Em smiled devilishly at him.

“Yes, yes I did. And do you want to know why?”

“Yeah yeah!” Paul and Jeff both exclaimed.

“Because…” She paused dramatically until she knew Alex had leaned closer to her. She turned quickly and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. “Because I just love him!” The boys giggled as Alex made a big deal about wiping his face off.

“Mandi,” He whined. “Emmy kissed me.” Reny and Mandi laughed.

“Well good. You probably deserved it.” She turned to look at him and smiled. He shrugged.

“Yeah.” The adults all laughed while Paul and Jeff started a poke war between them. Alex and Em soon joined in.

“So what’s going on tomorrow?” Alex asked not breaking his relentless prodding of Em’s shoulder.

“Well, first we’re going to drop Rachel off at Reny’s. Then we’re taking the boys to the park. And I figure we should all be pretty tired by lunch so we’ll head back to pick up Rach, back to the hotel for a nap, and then we’re all meeting for dinner at Shooting Stars. Is all that right Reny?”

“Perfect.” Renee answered, pulling into the parking lot of the hotel. “But are you sure that there’s going to be a car for you?” Alex answered her.

“I’m sure. It was supposed to be at the airport but there was some kind of mix up. They swore they’d get it dropped off later tonight and the keys would be waiting at the front desk for us. And if it’s not there…” He draped his arm around Em. “I’m sure Emmy wouldn’t mind wakin up extra early so we could have a chauffeur for the day.” Em stuck her tongue out at him, but smiled.

“Of course I wouldn’t mind. I love your family Alex.” Em patted Paul on the rump as he jumped out of the car. Jeff tried to crawl over top of her but she caught him and pulled him up to her face, blowing a raspberry on his tummy.

With everyone safely in the hotel, Renee and Emmiline climbed back in the car and headed home. The radio played softly, Reny and Em both enjoying the fact that the other was there.

“I can’t believe Mandi’s afraid of me.” Em said finally.

“I can.” Reny smiled but she wasn’t joking.

“Why? Have I ever been mean to her?”

“I think it’s not really just you Em. I think it’s all of us. I was scared out of my mind when I first came up here. I mean, I knew you and all but there were these three other complete strangers that you had this bond with. And you were all very nice and included me and so I just sort of became part of the group. But think about Mandi, she and Alex were together long before any of us came along, she’s some years older than us, she had Paul when I wasn’t even old enough to drink. I think that no matter what, Mandi’s a pretty shy person, and she’s going to feel like she’s on the edge of things no matter how hard we try.” Em nodded slowly.

“That’s such a shame though because she’s such a sweetie.”

“Yeah, she is.” Reny smiled. “Rachel looks just like her. Don’t you think?”

“Yep. And thank God too. We don’t need a female Alex runnin around.” The women laughed.

“Hey, he looks better every year with her on his case though.”

“Very true. Ugh, that hair he had.” They both laughed again. Em’s cell phone rang. She fumbled for a minute trying to find it under the seat.


“Hello Sexy.”

“Why hello. How’d you get this number Studly?”

“Well see there’s this guy, I think his name is Vinnie or something, and he told me to call this number if I wanted a good time.”

“Well he was right. I happen to have a very sexy woman sitting right next to me that would love to please you in any way sh….” Reny pulled the phone away from Em.

“Hi Scottie.” She said smiling.

“Hi Baby. How are you?”

“I’m fine.” “Oh yes girl, you are damn fine!” Em said loud enough for Scott to hear. Reny released the wheel long enough to slap Em’s arm.

“Shut up Emmy.” She said laughing. Em shrugged and giggled to herself. “Sorry Sweetheart.” Scott was laughing.

“It’s ok. I was just calling to say goodnight and the machine came on at the house, so Anton suggested I call Em’s cell. I was just missing you.”

“Aww. I miss you too Scottie.”

“And everything’s ok? I mean, I know Em’s there….” Anton’s voice came from the background.

“They’re alright Scott. For cryin out loud, they’re in Orlando and they’re together, what could go wrong?” The sound was muffled, but Reny smiled knowing that Scott was glaring at Anton who was no doubt making faces at him, impatiently waiting the time when he could talk to his own wife.

“Anyway….” Scott continued. “We’ll be flying back Sunday morning and I expect to see you there.”

“Of course. We’ll both be there.”

“With bells on!”

“Shhh Em. I’ll see you Sunday then.”

“Yep. I love you.”

“I love you too. Does Anton wanna talk to Em?”

“Yeah, but I say we hang up and let him call her back.”

“Good idea. They’re both in silly moods anyway.”

“When are they not?” They both paused to look at their companions, who were both crossing their eyes and wagging their tongues. Reny laughed.

“Good point. See you Sweetheart, love you.”

“Love you too. Give the babies a pat for me huh?”

“I will.”

“Bye Reny.”

“Bye Scottie.” Em reached for the phone but Renee clicked it off. “Sorry. Scott and I decided that you and Anton are just too giddy tonight for us to tolerate the kind of conversation you’d have. He’s just going to have to call you back later.”

“Oh yeah sure. Just use my phone but don’t let me talk to my husband. I see how it is.” Em said with a thinly veiled smile.

“You’re a retard.” Reny laughed.

“So are you. But at lest I’m not a crackwhore.”

“Who are you calling a crackwhore, crackwhore?” They laughed.


“I’m not a crackwhore, crackwhore. You’re a crackwhore.”

“I am not, crackwhore.”

“Ok, is it too much to ask that ya’ll stop calling each other crackwhores?” Andy asked looking down at them from his bunk. Both girls turned to him, hands on their hips, but smiling.

“Shut up crackwhore.”

“Thanks, that’s a lot better.” He laughed.

“Anytime Kid.” Em said reaching up to ruffle his curly head.

“Who you callin Kid?”

“Hey boy, a month is a month. I’m older, so just shut up and take the abuse.”

“Not without a fight, crackwhore.” He said as he grinned and climbed out of the bunk.

“Here we go again with the crackwhore business.” Jamie said shaking his head as he tried to concentrate on a book he was reading on one of the front couches. This time there was a triple response.

“Shut up crackwhore.” Andy raised one eyebrow and the young ‘uns of the group took off towards Jamie. Each landed with a huge thump on the couch. Jamie tried to look angry.

“Damn it. I was trying to read that you crackwhores.” Scott entered the bus with his bag slung over his shoulder, followed by Anton and Alex.

“Is everybody ready?” He asked. A quad response.

“Shut up crackwhore.”

“God, not that again.” He passed the group and moved to put his stuff on his bunk. “Don’t you get sick of that….” He paused and grinned. “ya damn crackwhores?” The four on the couches cheered.

“Boy, it doesn’t take much to amuse you guys does it?” Alex asked as he plunked down at the table. “Bunch of crackwhores.” More cheering. They all gazed expectantly at Anton.

“What?” He asked looking confused. “Do I look like some kind of crackwhore or something?” They all laughed and settled in as the bus began to roll.

Alex had set up his laptop at the table and Jamie retreated to the back to read. Andy yawned and climbed back into his bunk. Scott, Reny, and Em all sat on the couches in the front. Scott stretched and yawned.

“Boy, what I wouldn’t give for a little more room so I could lay down.” He smiled pointedly at Em. She groaned and moved to the other couch as Scott wiggled down and put his head on Renee’s leg.

“That looks really comfortable Scott.” Anton said faking a stretch of his own. Em was quicker though.

“Yeah it does.” And with that she lay down with her head in Anton’s lap. She turned her head to look at him. “You were right. It is comfortable.” He slapped her on the rump and she jumped up. He took the opportunity to lay the full length of the couch.

“But this is much better.” She gave him a dirty look.

“Don’t make me jump on you.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“You’re right. But I will lay on you.” And she pushed him down so he lay on his stomach and she curled up on top of him. “You aren’t a very good pillow Anton.”

“Yeah, well, you’d make one hell of a paper weight.” He shifted and she fell on the ground. He sat up and helped he up also. “Truce?”

“Truce. You get to use me as a pillow for twenty miles, and then we switch.”

“That’s stupid.” Anton furrowed his brow. “Here.” He patted his lap. “Use me.” She smiled at him and patted his cheek.

“Good crackwhore.”


“It’s going to be a real shame when we can’t call each other crackwhore anymore.” Em sighed.

“Yeah. But we’ll probably still do it, just not in front of the kids.”

“Good point.”

“Thanks Baby!” Reny answered in a high-pitched voice.

“No problem Sweetie!” Em said back in the same tone. They were laughing again as Renee pulled into the garage.

Chapter 12