
Unison’s summer tour of the U.S. with Spark, as their opening act, had just finished two days ago. Jacks, Mae, and Kit were anxious to see the boys and Reny again after their weeks apart, so they invited them over to the house. They’d all decided to play basketball outside. Em declined the offer, knowing just how horrible she was, and was doing her laundry instead. She heard the door open but figured it was just one of the girls getting something out of her room.

“Em?” A voice came from the hallway. She turned on the washer and peeked around the corner. “Hey, have you got a Band-Aid of something?” It was Anton, standing there with blood running down his leg from a gouge on his knee.

“What happened?”

“I got fouled.” Em laughed.

“I should say so. Here, I’ll fix ya up.” She moved toward him but he took a step backwards.

“Uh nuh.” He said shaking his head. “You’ll just hurt me worse.”

“No I won’t.”

“Yes you will, you hate me.” Em was hurt.

“You know I love ya, you big gullute.”

“Oh yeah. And it’s because of those every so loving adjectives you use. Like gullute.” He made a face. Em sighed, and frowned.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” She mumbled.

“Say it like you mean it or I’ll bleed all over your carpet.”

“Excuse me?”

“Say you’re sorry for being mean to me all the time. And say it like you mean it.” Em sighed indignantly but her lips repressed a smile. She flung herself to her knees in front of him.

“Oh please Anton! Please forgive me for calling you on your shit all the time. Please forgive me for not turning a blind eye when you mack on some brainless ho.” She slapped her hands on her chest. “I love you ever so dearly and I can’t live another day knowing I’ve wronged you. Please forgive me.” Anton made a face at her.

“Now was that so hard? And, uh, while you’re down there….” Em slapped his hip.

“Not in a million years pervert. But will you please let me clean you up?” She got to her feet.

“Yeah. I trust you now.” She gave him an evil smile. “Well, maybe.” They laughed and she led him to the bathroom.

“Sit on the counter and take your shoe and sock off.”


“Just do as your told.”

“Yes ma’am.” He did as she said, as she pulled out a washcloth, Band-Aids, Neosporin, a cup and a basin. “What are you going to do?”

“It’s a trick my mom taught me.” She filled the cup with water, wet the washcloth and put the anti-bacterial hand soap from the bathroom on it. Then she knelt in front of him and put the basin beneath his foot.

“What is it with you and being level with my crotch.” He teased. She wasn’t amused.

“Ya see this nail?” She asked holding up a finger. “Unless you want this nail in that wound, I suggest you not say that anymore.” He laughed at her and nodded.

“Ok. But come on, I had to do it.” She smiled against her will.

“Anyway, I’m going to try not to hurt you. But the water and the soap are going to sting.”

“Alright, but, “ he took her hand. “be gentle.” They both laughed and she began to pour the water slowly over his cut. When most of the blood had washed away she took out the washcloth. She cleaned around the cut first, to get off the dried blood that clung to it, and then very gently wiped at the cut itself to wash out the grass and debris that were still in it. Anton sucked in a sharp breath.

“Oh my gosh. Did I hurt you?” She looked up to see his eyes shut. “I’m sorry Anton.” He opened one eye.

“No, it’s ok. Look on the bright side, at least you sounded sincere on that sorry.” He smiled and so did she.

“I’m done anyway.” She dried the surrounding area and dabbed Neosporin on the cut and covered it with one of the extra large Band-Aids. Then she poured out the bloody water in the basin and washed out the washcloth in the sink. “Will that be all sir? Or was there something else you wanted the doctor to look at?”

“Well, my hand kinda hurts.” He held up his left hand and Em’s mouth dropped open. The knuckles had already started to swell and turn purplish.

“Yikes. Can you move your fingers?”

“Yeah. It hurts but I can.” She nodded and opened the medicine cabinets.

“Here.” She handed him some Motrin. “Take these, it’ll help the pain and the swelling.” After he had, she told him to go sit on the couch. When she came back she had a bag of ice and a towel. “Ok, let’s get you comfortable.” She put his injured leg up on the couch and a pillow in his lap, with the towel covering it. “Put your hand how it’s most comfortable.” He did and she slowly lowered the bag of ice on top of it. “Ok. You’re all set.”

“Are you going to sit with me?” He asked pitifully. She smiled.

“Sure I will. In fact….” She made him lean forward a little and climbed behind him to settle herself in the corner of the couch. “Lean back.” He did and let his weight fall on her. He put his head back and rested it on her shoulder.

“What’s this for? Not that I mind, just….” She giggled a little.

“I figured, I’ve babied you this long. I may as well make a day of it.” She leaned very close to his head and whispered. “Just don’t get used to it.” He smiled and closed his eyes. They didn’t talk anymore but Em felt him relax and eventually fall asleep. She closed her eyes too. “God this sucks.” She thought to herself. Anton shifted a little in his sleep and turned his head. His lips now brushed her throat. “Yep, this sucks a lot. But I think I’ll take what I can get.” She smiled and decided to sleep too.


The phone rang and woke Em as she dozed on the bed.


“I’m sorry I woke you up.”

“It’s ok. I was waiting for you to call anyway.”

“Good.” Em smiled. “Do I need to tell you that I miss you?”

“No. But you just did anyway.”

“I know. It’s all part of my master plan.”

“Of world domination?”

“Nope. I just want to dominate you.”

“It’ll never happen.”

“I know. But a man can dream, can’t he?”

“Yeah. So what are you up to?”

“Well, we were in the studio all day doing the skits. Scottie came in and I heckled him as he rehearsed. Then tonight we went out with my cousins.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“It was. It’d be better if you were here. But it was fun.”

“I’ll come next time. I promise.”



“Yeah Baby?”

“I’m sorry if I was ever mean to you.” She heard him laugh to himself.

“You don’t have to be sorry Emmy. If anything, I’m glad you were so tough on me.”

“Why? Are you some kind of sadist?” Now they both laughed.

“No. But it made me really think about the things I did. And eventually it made me think of why you felt so strongly about it.”

“I was jealous.”

“I know you were. I love that about you.”


“Yes. It makes me feel very wanted.”

“Do you get jealous?”


“Good.” She smiled. “I should go to bed. Alex and Mandi are bringing Rachel over early so they can take the boys to Disney.”

“I bet they’ll have fun. And you’re right, you should sleep. Dream about me.”

“I always do.”

“That’s odd, I always dream about you.”

“Maybe we’re soul mates.”

“Maybe. You wanna get married?”

“I’d love to. I love weddings.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Night Anton.”

“Goodnight Emmy.” He changed his tone. “Night Colleen and Patrick.” Em laughed.

“They say goodnight Daddy.”

“Bye Baby.”

“Bye.” She clicked off the cell phone and snuggled down into the sheets. She patted her belly. “You’re Daddy is a wonderful man babies. He loves us all very very much.” As if in response, Em felt a kick. She smiled and went back to sleep.


Em stood waiting at the baggage claim for her luggage. She stretched her neck, trying to relieve the tightness that had built up in her muscles from her visit home. She heard a shriek from behind her.

“I’m gonna jump on you!” Reny yelled as she ran towards Em. Em smiled but squeaked in fear. Reny pounced and Em caught her for a brief moment before Reny jumped off again. The two hugged.

“I missed ya Baby!” Em said in a high-pitched voice.

“I missed you too.” Reny returned in the same tone.

“How’s the hip?”

“Good. In fact,” Reny smiled devilishly, “we’re starting rehearsals for the next tour while we’re in Australia.”

“You’re allowed to tour again?” Em asked excitedly.

“Yep. No more heavy dancing, but touring is a-o-k. So long as I keep up with my physical therapy on the road.” They hugged again.

“Dude, that’s awesome!”

“I know Dude. I’ve been driving the guys nuts.”

“I didn’t hear any complains.” Scott’s voice came from behind Em. She whirled around to pull him into a hug.

“Hey Scottie.”

“Hey Emenemmers. I’m really glad you came back early.”

“Me too. I really missed ya’ll.” She did her Lynda Richman impression, putting her hand on her chest. “You’re my boys, and I love you. Oh there I go getting ferchlempt.” Scottie laughed at her and turned to help Reny as she pulled Em’s suitcase off the belt. Em felt a finger run up her spine. She gasped and spun around, ready to deck somebody, only to see Anton.

“I’m not even going to ask how your visit was.”

“You’re not?”


“Then what are you going to do?” She asked with an eloquently arched eyebrow.

“How does a hug sound?” He held out his arms. Em smiled and stepped gratefully into them.

“Wonderful.” They stood for a long minute.

“Ahem. Um, when ever you two are ready, we already got your bags.” Em pulled herself away from Anton and smiled at Reny and Scott. They were so cute, not necessarily because they’d gotten her bags for her, but because they made a nice pair.

“Sorry.” She picked up her carry-on, but Anton took it from her. She looked at his strangely but he smiled at her and she continued on with her thought as Scott took hold of her suitcase and they all began walking to the parking garage. “What’s going on tonight? I mean, I know you’re throwing me a big party in honor of my arrival, right?”

“Sorry Babe.” Reny said. “But we’re all the party you got tonight. The married folk are off doing things I’d rather not think about them doing. It’s Andy’s uncle’s birthday or something like that and so he and Mae are there. That just leaves us.” Em slung an arm around her best friend.

“It’ll be a sad sad day when I’m not pee-myself happy to hang around with the three of you.”

“Wow, Em.” Scott said making a face. “That was really touching. Gross and weird, but touching.” Em flashed him a goofy smile and did a little rump shake as they walked. He laughed at her. “I missed you Kid.”

“Of course you did. Every misses me, ‘cause everybody loves me.” She laughed. Reny giggled and shook her head, Scott rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh, and Anton just grinned. When they reached Scott’s car and Reny yelled:


“Oh no, if you want that seat you’re gonna have to fight me for it!” Em yelled, and as the boys put Em’s stuff in the back, the girls playfully shoved each other away from the car door. Anton broke up the fight by wrapping an arm around Em.

“Reny gets to sit in the front.” He said, nuzzling Em’s neck. She blushed and quickly agreed. Reny smiled a little sadly as Em and Anton climbed into the backseat together, but quickly recovered. She was happy that everything had finally worked out for Em, but she wished things would work out for her too. It had been two months since Scottie and Mae had officially broken up, and three since she’d cheated on him with Andy. Renee was getting impatient with him. They drove down the highway in almost complete silence. Em was just enjoying the closeness with Anton. He had his arm tightly hugging her shoulders, his other hand on her leg. Her head rested on his chest as she watched Reny watch Scott. “Ok, Em. You’ve given them long enough to do this on their own. It’s time for a little push.” She thought to herself.

Later on the four sat in Em and Reny’s apartment talking and listening to music. Em rubbed at her sore neck as she spoke, trying to get Anton to take the hint. He did, and began to massage her shoulders.

“This is what I missed most about touring.” She laughed, referring to Dr. Marder’s therapeutic massages that were supposed to just be for Reny but that every one had taken advantage of. Reny scoffed.

“Tell me about it. I haven’t had a good massage in three months.” Em intently watched Scott as the conversation continued. He was fighting with himself over whether or not he should offer to rub Reny’s back. Em decided to kick start him.

“If you come over here I’ll give you one Re.” Renee started to get up but Scott stopped her.

“Don’t bother Em, you just enjoy yours. I’ll do you Reny.” Em choked on a laugh and Anton poked her in the ribs. She gave him the “come on, that was funny” look. He smiled too. Reny blushed but played it off by plopping down in front of Scott who took a deep breath before he began. They continued like that until the boys’ hands got tired.

“I say we switch, what say you Re?”

“Switch. But I want a drink first.”

“I’ll get it.” Em stood and grabbed Anton’s hand. “Come on Studly, you can help me.”

“Ok.” They left the room as Scott and Reny switched. In the kitchen Anton gave Em a light smack. “I can’t believe you laughed!” Em now giggled freely.

“Ugh! ‘I’ll do you Reny’? I’ve never heard a more blatant request for some lovin.”

“What about, can I kiss you Em?”

“No, his was better.” She teased. She changed the subject, avoiding Anton’s gaze. “I wonder if they’re doing anything yet.”

“Only one way to find out.” The two crept down the hallway and peeped around the corner to watch their friends. Scott had his eyes closed and almost looked like he was asleep. Reny was just trying to concentrate on what she was doing. Scott’s eyes slowly opened and a smile spread across his face. He took hold of each of Renee’s hands and pulled so that her arms came over his shoulders, hugging him. Then he turned to face her, one hand moving to rub her thigh, the other stroking her cheek.

“What have we been doing all this time Renee? Why did we waste so much time finding each other?” He paused, but didn’t wait for an answer. “I know that now is a bad time to be saying this, since we’re going to be apart for awhile, but I need you to know that I’ll be thinking about you and only you when we’re in Europe. And I want you to do the same.” Renee shook her head a little as she looked into Scott’s clear blue eyes.

“I already do that. I have for a long time.” She whispered as her true feelings finally surfaced. Scott smiled and pulled her close, first into a hug and then into a kiss. Em and Anton moved quietly back to the kitchen.

“What do you say we leave them alone for the rest of the night?” Anton asked when they could talk freely.

“What are we gonna do?”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I think I’d like to sleep with you tonight.” Em nodded.

“Yeah, I think I’d like to sleep with me too.” Anton narrowed his eyes at her and she smiled. “Come on, let’s go to bed.” She took his hand and led him off to her room.


Chapter 13