Alex and Mandi dropped Rachel off and headed to Disney, Reny organized to have everyone meet up at Shooting Stars that night before they all went out, and Em went out for a bit to visit her in-laws. Before everyone knew it, it was time to head off to the studio. Reny and Em were the first to arrive, and as they walked down the familiar hallways they looked at their old promotional posters. Reny smiled.

“We were so cute.” She touched a photo of the two of them in contrasting outfits. Reny wore her favorite pair of dragonfly print canvas sneakers, dark blue jean-shorts, a yellow, button-down sleeveless shirt, and her sandy hair was tied up in two pigtails at the back of her head. Em had on black Doc Marten’s, dark blue jeans, a red men’s dress shirt, and her hair was bunched up on top of her head, dark ringlets spilling out. Em made a face.

“I don’t know. I still think I look too butch.”

“Butch looking or not,” Reny said, “you were still the whore.” Em swatted at her and laughed.

“You just called me a whore.”

“Yeah I did, and?” The two laughed and made their way to Jacks’ office. Mae was already in there, lounging on a couch. She was teasing Jacks.

“I’m already done with my work.”

“That’s cuz you never do anything.”

“Shut up.” They laughed as Reny and Em entered.

“Hey girlies!” Jacks smiled as she looked up from her desk. Mae jumped up to hug them. They returned the favor. Reny perched on the arm of the couch and Em went around to stand behind Jacks, hoping to make her nervous enough to stop working for the night. An old article Jacks had framed caught her eye.

“Jacks? Baby, what’s this?” She said reaching for it. Jacks didn’t even look up.

“It’s the article Entertainment Weekly did on you guys when you signed with us.” Em smiled.

“They thought we were crazy.” She brought the article over to Reny and they looked at the candid photos of them in the very same studios they were in then. One was of Em sitting with her legs up on the soundboard. She was intently studying the lyrics sheet in her lap, her index finger pressed to her lips. Another was Reny singing into a mic, eyes shut, emotion expressed eloquently on her girlish face. Then there were pictures of the four girls together, posed comically, with Jacks and Mae looking stern with arms folded over their chests as Reny and Em stood seeming to sing, but glancing nervously at their new bosses. They’d even made the cover that week, although Jacks hadn’t saved that. That pose included Kit, who was Shooting Star’s booking agent. The girls were in a big group hug, laughing and making faces. As Reny, Mae, and Em looked smiling over the article. Sean walked into the office followed by Andy and Cameron.

“Mommy!” Cam yelled, running to Mae. He launched himself at her and she caught him, smothering him with kisses.

“Emmy!” Andy yelled and toddled to her. Em laughed and hugged him. Sean turned to Jacks and held out his arms but stopped short. They all knew how Jacks hated to be interrupted while she worked. Luckily, Jacks finished and smiled at him, holding out her arms.

“Well?” She said laughing. He walked over and gave her a big hug and kissed her cheek.

It was then that Alex and Mandi decided to stroll through the door.

“Hey people.” Alex said as he put Jeff down and made the rounds hugging. Mandi sat next to Mae and the two of them talked about how much fun the boys had had at the park. Jeff, Cameron, and Paul raced out the door and down the hallway to where Cameron knew his mother hid cookies. Everyone looked up as the heard a deep shriek and saw a blonde man tear past the door to the office, his arms raised in a monster like way. Kit breezed into the room, carrying her tiny daughter, Fate.

“Oh, come here girls. I missed you guys so much!” She hugged each of them as fervently with one arm as most people do with two. Mandi was first to pounce on Fate.

“Oh Kit, she looks just like Jamie!”

“I know. She’s going to be a heartbreaker I can tell.”

“Let’s just hope she gets spared my Adam’s apple.” Jamie said smiling as he came through the door. He didn’t bother hugging anyone but Kit.

“Aww, don’t say that Honey. I love your Adam’s apple.”

“I know Sweetie, but not on a girl.” Kit giggled.

“Ok, good point.” Then she turned her attention back to her friends. “Wow, I am so happy to see you!”

“We’re happy to see you too Kitty.” Em replied.

“We’re a little early for our reservation, but I don’t think it’ll matter that much. Ya’ll wanna go?” Andy asked. They nodded and went searching for the missing boys.

After dinner the friends all went to Sean and Jacks’ house. The boys scampered out to play in the backyard to play with the dogs and the grown-ups lounged around the living room. Em sat at one end of the large L-shaped couch with Andy on one side and Mae on the other, both had cuddled up next to her and were resting their heads on her shoulders. Alex and Mandi sat in the curve of the couch, Alex’s arm wrapped lovingly around his wife, and watched as Rachel stood gingerly, a tight hold on Mandi’s jeans. Sean sat at the other end of the couch, watching Jacks as she made the room homier with lights and music. Reny sat Indian style in an over-stuffed chair, while Kit leaned her back against it as she sat on the floor, Jamie’s head in her lap. As the friends began talking again Em watched as Jamie would pause every now and again and bring Kit’s hand to his lips. She’d then pause, smile, and pat his chest with the hand that rested there. It was a gesture that they were all very familiar with.


It was a beautiful picture. The bride and groom stood looking lovingly at each other: the five bridesmaids wore long, flowing, princess-cut gowns of blue with the maid of honor a few shades darker, and the five groomsmen looked as if they had all stepped out of GQ. Suddenly the tableau came to life as the groom scooped up his new wife as she whooped.

“Ye-haw! I got my cowboy, but where’s my hat?” Kit yelled to no one in particular. Reny, who stood just to the right of the wedding party on her crutches threw Kit the white rhinestone ringed cowboy hat.

“Ok guys, to the reception!” Jamie called, never putting Kit down as he marched over to the line of horse drawn carriages that would take them from the church to the ranch the new couple planned on spending their down time in. Rosalind, Kit’s best friend and maid of honor, linked arms with David, Jamie’s childhood buddy and best man, and followed the groom. Next came Andy and Mae, Alex and Mandi, Anton and Jacks, and Scott and Em. Reny hobbled along after them with Sean’s help. Once in their carriage, Em took the time to savor the moment as Scott asked worriedly about Reny’s hip. All the bridesmaids’ dresses were gorgeous, and with their spaghetti straps and soft cling, they were also quite sexy, but Reny looked better than all of them. She wore a short, red, dress with a tight bodice. It accentuated her tiny waist and toned legs and by the way the newly unattached Scott was watching her, Em could tell that it had been a good choice. Em sighed and rested her head on Sean’s shoulder.

“Why couldn’t have they waited till my run was over?” She groaned good-naturedly. Reny laughed at her.

“Because the world doesn’t revolve around you just because you’re a Broadway star.” Em opened one eye and looked at her smirking friend.

“You really think I’m a star?” They all broke out laughing as Reny swatted at Em who giggled and snuggled closer to Sean for protection.

The ranch was absolutely amazing. Jamie’s mother had been his liaison to the builder and it was everything the young couple could possibly want. Behind the cozy house, a huge tent had been set up for the reception and all the guests were already dancing when the wedding party arrived. The bride and groom were announced and everything went into full swing. The next two hours were filled with lunch, cake, toasts, dancing, and laughter. Kit and Jamie’s first dance as man and wife to the music of Shania Twain’s “From This Moment” left all the women and a few of the men quite choked up. But all had recovered in time to do the chicken dance,

Em hated to leave. She hadn’t seen her friends since a few days after Reny’s hip trouble in Tucson. She’d gone to New York to appear on MTV so everyone would know what was going on with Spark, and had been offered the chance to play Eponine in Les Mis, and had since been offered a movie role. So she was going to be extra busy in the next two and a half months while all the others, except Anton, took a much-needed break. Alex and Mandi were finally getting married, Jamie and Kit were going on their honeymoon, Scott was getting over Mae and getting into Reny, Reny had her hip to rest and heal, Andy and Mae were going to be doing a lot in bed, however, resting was doubtful, and Jacks and Sean were at least taking a small break from Shooting Stars. “Oh well,” Em thought, searching the dance floor for a small girl in a big cowboy hat. “Just remember Emmy, this is what you always dreamed of.”

“I know.” She said aloud.

“What?” Anton’s voice came from behind her. Em blushed, but covered well.

“I said, hey isn’t that Anton’s skanky date rubbing her crotch against Scott?” Anton frowned and shook his head.

“Shut up E…. Damn it.” He threw down his glass and stalked off. Em slapped her own forehead.

“D’oh!” She said earnestly, but giggled in spite of the situation. She went into action, first telling Scottie that Reny was looking for him, and then darted off to find Anton before his ho did. She looked up at the house, but only found Kit and Jamie enjoying some time alone.

“Why does it always seem like I’m interrupting something you guys are doing?” She asked.

“Because you are.” Jamie replied smiling. Kit, whose hands rested on Jamie’s firm chest, gave him a light smack.

“I haven’t seen Anton come this way Emenemmers.” Kit replied. Em smiled.

“I’m warning you two love birds, I’m coming back in a little bit because I have to go back tonight, so please don’t be naked or anything.” Jamie looked dejected.

“Aww, Em, that’s half the fun.”

“Ew.” And with that Em turned her back on them and walked away. She heard Kit’s laughter cut off as it was quieted by Jamie’s mouth.

Anton had taken up sulking under the shade of a tree by the lake. He turned gruffly when he heard footsteps.

“What do you want?” He asked.

“I wanted to see what was wrong with you.”

“Why do you care?” Em threw up her arms.

“Jesus Anton! We’re friends aren’t we? Cuz I thought we were and yet you always make me feel like the biggest bitch in the world. Why do you even bother talking to me then? I’m not getting it.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just that…it just seems like I’m never good enough for you. I mean, yeah you’re my friend and everything and sometimes we get along really well, but then…I don’t know. You just change all of a sudden whenever I’m with a girl. I don’t think you’ve ever liked a single one of my girlfriends.” Em looked at the ground.

“Well, that’s probably because I haven’t. You’ve got some pretty horrible taste.” She said, trying to lighten the mood. Anton wasn’t amused.

“Oh, and you think I like having girls use me to get to the other guys?” Em looked up at him, shocked. “Yes Em, I realize that’s what a lot of them do. I’m not as stupid as every one thinks. But who else is there? What woman would be with me if I wasn’t famous, if I wasn’t rich, if I didn’t know Andy and Scott?” Em heart leapt into her throat and she ran to hug him.

“They don’t have to be like that Anton.” She looked him in the eye. “If I was with you it would be for you. Not for Unison, or money, or fame. Just you.” She hugged him again before she continued. “Just being you is enough for any woman.” She put her hands on his face and pulled him close so that their foreheads touched. “You just haven’t found a girl smart enough to realize that.” He chuckled at that.

“I was wondering how long it was going to take you to take a crack at them.” Em smiled broadly.

“Well wonder no more, the phony bitches have been slashed at.” They both laughed and Anton pulled Em in a tight hug.

“Thank you for saying that stuff about me being enough.”

“Well, it’s true. You know I don’t lie.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Besides, I love you Anton, and you deserve to be really happy.” She smirked. “Not just happy in bed.” He laughed again; this time it was his belly laughter. Em loved when she could make him do that.

“I’ll see you pretty soon, huh?”

“Yup. I’ll see you on the set.” Em pulled away and turned to go say her goodbyes to everyone else. “Hey, you want me to kick that whore’s ass for ya?”

“Naw. I think the herpes are bad enough.” Em shrieked and clapped her hands. She continued to laugh as she walked away.


“Andy will you stop that? Sheesh.” Em said, batting at his face. He had been blowing in her ear.

“Come on Em, you know you want me.” She laughed.

“Whatever, I don’t date younger men.”

“It’s always an age thing with you isn’t it?”

“Will you two either shut up or at least stop moving around so much, I’m tryin to sleep here.” Mae grumbled as she snuggled more into Em’s shoulder. Em giggled a little.

“Sure Baby, we’re sorry. Aren’t we Jr.?” Andy made a face at her. She laughed again and kissed his temple. “Go see if the youngins are still alive out there. It’s getting dark.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Andy got up to leave and Em smacked his butt.

“Hey now now.” Reny said from across the room. “Watch what you do to that man’s bum. It’s worth millions.” Andy lovingly patted Reny’s arm as he passed.

“At least somebody respects me.” Reny tipped her head back and looked at him.

“Oh, I don’t respect you. I just like telling Emmy what to do.” Em laughed as Andy huffed indignantly and hurried out the sliding glass doors. “Besides,” Reny said to Em. “When have I ever been the non-violent type?”

“Never.” Jamie said from his position on the floor.

“Who asked you Blondie?” Reny replied.

“Don’t you be disrespectin my man Reny, or I’ll lay the smack down.” Kit warned playfully.

“Do I need to go get the camera?” Sean asked.

“For the love of God Sean, give the camera a rest!” Jacks teased.

“Yeah Sean.” Alex said with a serious face. “But do ya have a mud pit by any chance?”

“Alex, that’s not even funny.” Mandi scolded. “Now, if we greased them up with Crisco, that’d be funny.” Every one stared for a minute at shy Mandi before laughing. Mae opened an eye.

“Ok, was it just me, or did I say I was trying to sleep?” Jacks and Em shared an evil look before they answered;

“It was just you.” Right before they pounced on Mae, tickling her. Kit was quick to join in and as soon as the mass of bodies resembled anything she could tackle, Renee jumped in. Alex was going to join the pile of girls, but instead turned on Jamie who was still lying, unsuspecting, on the floor. Sean had to get in on that, and it was then that Andy came bounding in followed by some sweaty, very riled up boys who all joined in on the fun. Even Mandi got pulled in somehow, leaving poor little Rachel to stare wide-eyed at the crazy people around her.


Em sat on the steps of the deck and watched as Reny danced around nervously.

“When are they coming?” She asked.

“Pretty soon. Calm down dude. It’ll be ok.”

“I can’t believe this. I can’t believe this.” Reny mumbled, shaking her hips. She stopped and looked at Em. “How is this happening?” She asked with a worried look. Em smiled.

“I’ve been askin myself that for about seven months now.”

“And they…”

“They are dying to meet you. You know me Reny, I can’t shut up.” Reny wasn’t comforted. She’d had way too much sugar that morning, and way too little sleep the night before. Em smiled an evil smile to herself, she knew how Reny acted around guys when she was like this, and this afternoon was going to be quite amusing. Kit poked her head out of the sliding glass doors.

“They’re here!” Kit yelped. She was just as excited as Reny and she even knew the guys.

“Oh my god.” Reny whispered, but then began to bounce rapidly. Em giggled to herself as Kit popped back into the house. A few moments later the door opened again and Anton and Alex walked out. Reny shot past Em in a full run. “I’M GONNA JUMP ON YOU!” She yelled.

Alex reacted just in time to have Reny fling herself at him. She bounced off and jumped into Anton, knocking him into Andy as he walked out with Scott.

“Hey man….” Andy managed to start, before Reny punched him in the stomach. She spun quickly, and before he could react she nailed Scott too. Jamie appeared just then and she ran into him.

“HEY!” She yelled. “You ever look out at all those fans and go, YOU’RE SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” Jamie only stuttered before Reny yelled again, “I HATE CHRISTMAS!” And ran past the guys and into the house. By this time Em was dying. She lay in a heap on the deck trying to catch her breath. Alex came and stood over her.

“I LOVE that girl!” He said pointing in the direction Reny had run. Suddenly Reny’s face appeared on the other side of the glass door.

“YYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAA!” She yelled, and everyone began to laugh. Em managed to climb to her feet as the guys situated themselves on the deck. She stumbled and landed in Andy’s lap.

“So that was Reny huh?” He asked.

“Yeah. She’s something isn’t she?” Em giggled.

“She’s cute.” Andy replied, “But she’s got one hell of a right hook.” He rubbed his belly. Em really laughed at that, and she buried her face in his stomach and blew a raspberry into his shirt. “Oh, yeah, that makes it all better Em.” He said with a sarcastic grin. Em patted his head and smiled.

“I know. I’m magic.” She clapped her hands together and wiggled her fingers.

“Well hey, Em the Magnificent, why don’t you see if you can get your little friend out here so we can actually talk to her.” Scott said, coming up behind her with his arms folded all serious like. Without answering, Em pulled his shirt up and gave him a raspberry too.

“I’m sorry, I’ll go fill that order now.” She said darting away from him. He grinned at her.

“I’ll get you for that.” He said as she slipped into the house. She heard Alex laugh.

“And her little dog too? Dude, you’re so lame.”

Em laughed, and went in search of Reny. She found her hiding out with the other women folk in the kitchen as they put the finishing touches on their “welcome home” picnic lunch for the boys.

“Oh my God, Reny that was awesome.” She said. Reny groaned and put her head on the kitchen table.

“I can’t believe I did that.”

“What did you do? Did you molest Jamie? Cuz if you did, I’m going to have to kill you.” Kit said, wielding a carrot like a sword. Reny smiled a little, but shook her head. Em answered for her.

“You guys didn’t hear that? Holy crap, she jumped Alex and Anton…”

“I thought you were the only one who wanted to jump Anton.”

“Shut up Jacks. Anyway, she did that, and then she punched Andy and Scottie in the gut, and yelled at Jamie like a loon. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.” As if to prove her point, Em began giggling again. Jacks laughed too, but walked over to Reny and patted her back.

“It’s ok Sweetheart, we’ve all done crazy things around the guys. Knowing them, they pry love you even more now than they normally would.” She said.

“Wait, you punched Scottie?”

“You yelled at Jamie?” Mae and Kit took off out to the deck to comfort the boys as Jacks and Em laughed at them.

“See Re,” Em said smiling at her best friend. “That’s the kind of treatment they’re used to. They like to get beat every now and again. It’s healthy for their egos.”

“Yeah,” Jacks said, picking up a plate of food. “In fact, you’d do us all a big favor if you kicked Andy’s ass again. That boy’s so full of himself I don’t know how he eats.” Renee giggled and got up to help bring things outside. She looked back at Em.

“You sure?”

“I’m positive. They’ll love you. They have to, you’re damn charming.” Reny scoffed and shook her hips.

“Well, I certainly try.” And the girls laughed as they looked out the door to see Anton on Alex’s back, riding him like a pony.

“See?” Em said. “They’re all just big ‘ol freaks. You’ll fit right in.” Reny gave her a dirty look, but smiled.


Chapter 14