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monday september 4th

after a well recieved first headline gig at the point we decide to get our arses in gear and actually record something worthwhile. after a hilarious panning of our previous demo tape at the hands of the oh so witty nightshift review panel something clearly needs to be done. we are aiming a a brave new sound inspired largely by the work of mark knopfler. all together now " money for nothin' oooh, yer kicks for free......" the weather being particularly fine and tim being notable by his absence nothing much got done. oh excpet for the setting up of a fiercely competetive table tennis league designed to separate the men form the boys. no quarter was given or asked and play continued late into the night. note : will have table tennis table on first world tour.

tuesday september 5th

today things got off the ground. we set up our garage recording suite and got down to business, attempting to lay down "fine feathers" a newish track that went down well at the point last friday. our relaxed and carefree attitudes were soon crushed under the weight of trying to get decent takes. not being used to playing a whole song without fucking up at least once it became rather stressful. with tim's energy fading fast we just about managed to get a good drum track before packing him off home to bed. (mental note : less table tennis for mr grayson tomorrow). by the evening we had pretty much nailed it so went off to philips to get drunk.

wednesday september 6th

finished off 'fine feathers' this morning, we're learning some neat recording tricks, which go something along the line of 'if a guitar part doesn't sound good and you can't take it out of the mix without losing something else aswell then drown it out with a new guitar part.' remarkably the first mix-down of fine feathers sounds pretty good. however, without tim there's not a lot more we can do for now, so we've started making some seriously wierd music with my computer. we are getting rather good at table tennis though.

thursday september 7th

things actually started getting somewhere today, we recorded four drum tracks with tim, and are very proud of ourselves. we can nail this recording malarky. when were done we're going to release some kind of mini-album tape for everyone.

friday september 8th

our 'studio' is starting to look seriously cool, a little time spent getting the right vibe and we were set up for a productive day's recording. me and phil spent the whole day playing guitars and mixing stuff, or messing about with wierd noises on the computer. it must have been because it was raining, ie. we didn't play any table tennis. we really need wilkes back from penzance, or wherever, soon though, he needs to do his guitar parts.

saturday 9th & sunday 10th september

Well weve not done a great deal this weekend. Me (Phil) and Gibbs spent time producing and generally expressing our minds on the tapes. As per usual we're waitng for Wilkes to get here so he can record his stuff. If hes not carefull we will do it ourself and do a better job at that. Beed