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this is where to come to find out what's going on in the world of trip.
trip recording diary
21st october 2001

whoa! no news for a while, sorry!! thats very bad.. so you missed trip playing at clare college may ball?? [i think that one made it into the gigography] and that we got some more recording done this summer? and our amazing review in nightshift??? well were all back at uni now - hoping to ride on our small success and do a gig or two over christmas...

11th may 2001

trip tv
trip are now officially international superstars after their first appearance on television. trip performed live to [part of] the nation last friday and what a storming performance it was! ok so it was a super-low-budget student cable tv show [think wayne's world only lower budget, less organised and less funny] and unfortunately the show was fairly shambolic. but we loved every minute of it anyway. and people have started comming up to me and phil who have seen the show!!! amazing! thanks to gem & cathrine and all @ red tv cambridge, for putting us on the telly.

28th april 2001

i've just updated a couple of things on the site, the discography and the gigography. i can also announce two cambridge may week gigs: on the 18th june 2001 trip will play at clare college may ball; on 20th june trip will play an acoustic set of sorts at clare ucs garden party.


ps: if you are not au fait with silly cambridge terms, may week is, for reasons long lost in the mist of time, actually in june.

10th april 2001

they say no news is good news don't they??? .. well trip arn't up to a whole lot at the minute. we're doing a bit of recording here and there.

bye for now. check the forum for regular nonsense...


trip live @ clare cellars, cambridge.
sun. 28th january 2001


1st decmber


'Yesterdays Sunshine' is now available for purchase. It is a six song CD. In the following days we will set up on line ordering stuff.

28th october

the gradual revamp of the trip website continues with the 'things to read' page. the cd is progressing nicely and will be ready to buy soon.

17th october


i have uploaded four songs from our forthcomming cd for your listening pleasure, i hope you like them. there's not really enough space for any more than that, so i'm going to change the songs which are available from time to time.

7th october

hello everyone! sorry that there has been no news for a while, i have been very busy doing not very much. i have been mastering tracks for the next trip release, it is going to be released on cd, but a release date has not yet been set. the website is soon to undergo a minor overhall with a new mp3 download page and an order form for the cd. this will happen as soon as my laptop is connected to the internet. watch this space as they say.

17th september

the news today, is that phil and wheat have gone off to join the great unwashed and generally bum around at uni in cambridge and sheffield respectivly. wilkes is going soon and gibbs is going to stick around for another couple of weeks, finish off our new mini-album and then go back to cambridge.

everyone please keep in touch by going to the message board and if you watch this space you'll find out all the latest exciting news like when our tape's gonna be available and if we're doing any gigs.

3rd september

thanks to everyone who came to the point on friday, we hope that you liked what you heard. thanks are also due to rare form who played a storming set beforehand.

anyway, we really enjoyed it and can't wait to do more gigs. however we're gonna try and record something half decent over the next couple of weeks, if we get anything useful done you'll hear about it soon enough.

there should be some photo's up soon of the point gig, so watch this space as they say,,,


21st august:

sorry guys the wheatsheaf gig on the 15th is off, and i know you were all looking forward to it so much. >>> well you'll just have to remember to turn up on the 1st of september at the point!

{sorry to keep going on, but it's
our first headline gig! ,,,
and it's at the point!}

15th august:

hey hey people; this is a pointless posting sorry . # um, has anyone got any stuff i can put on the site / / cos it's getting a bit the same as it was a while ago, still i've allready got an exciting new format for the news page > > i dunno,,,,



will be playing their first headline gig at


on friday the 1st september

<<check out the gigs page>>

14th august:

thanks to everyone who came to listen to us at the wheatsheaf on saturday,,,, i think it all went rather well really >> > don't forget to come and see us at the point on the 1st september for our first headlining gig in oxford! //// later....

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