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new news / trip forum / welcome page

7th august:

this is a message for everybody:

trip will be performing music and songs to the public at the wheatsheaf, oxford on the 12th of august.

and again at the point on the 1st september,

and again at the wheatsheaf on the 15th september.

hope to see everybody there! ......


2nd august 2000

>>> oh you're in for a treat, phil has returned to us and he's written some amazing songs. we've been given some possible dates for gigs, so keep an eye on the new gigs page to make sure you're the first to know about it all once everything's been confirmed.


20th july 2000

hello all, been recording more demos and other exciting stuff like that. what's going on in the world??? ~ well this weekend is the truck festival in steventon, and despite the fact that trip aren't playing, it should be rather good so head over there, it's only 15 quid.

just found out that nightshift have a link to trip hq on their website, which is nice. so i shall in turn link to them, if you haven't visited in a while take a look as it's had a major overhaul. GO!


18th of july, tuesday:

sorry that the updates have been infrequent and unsatisfying lately.

DEMO TAPES are winging their way to all sorts of places, including the good people at nightshift, all the oxford venues and also 'in the city unsigned'.

mr philip of loutsis will soon be returning from his exotic travels [11 days, yippee!] so trip will be united once more. hopefully there will be plenty of oportunities to hear us over the summer.

that's all for now,

2nd july:

the news today is that yesterday me and mellen went to london for her 18th birthday and we went to the tate modern and in the evening we saw R A D I O H E A D ! ! !
/////aahhhhh!!! it hasn't sunk in properly yet, we saw radiohead at the royal festival hall, the meltdown 2000 gig i'm sure you all heard about/// their first UK date for three years! > a gig which i'm sure will become part of musical folklore.

|||it was mindblowingly good > it is honestly beyond words. <<<just amazing. and we were so close to the front, and, and, and, [i'll put the setlist up just so you can salivate a bit more] they played loads of new stuff /// all of which was fantastic << and in street spirit jonny played the keyboard with the headstock of his guitar while playing the guitar at the same time ,,,, just pure genius. [[[[[ and they played just< and they came back on stage twice, the final time to play 'how to dissappear completely and never be found again' >>> too good. too good .... talk about karma debt, how did we diserve that??? . unbelievable....

phew, for a minute there i lost myself [[[[tee hee, ha ha ha, yeah{{{{i'm not gloating really, no}


28th june: i'm sorry, i know i'm crap and i know the page hasn't been updated properly for ages, but i've been busy, and to be honest i don't have a lot of material to post up. +++ i've posted a glastonbury review [twas amazing!!!] on the message board because norm asked for one, other than that nothing's new. |||||| phil is still on the other side of the world and seems to be having a fantastic time, hopefully he will return safely to us soon and insire us once more with his amazing talent. in the mean time i'm recording a few tunes chez kilifi, and if we get our arses in gear you may hear these live soon {we may dare to play withoutphilip but we're not sure} |||once wheat gets his feet back on the ground we can have a proper practice again, and see what happens.
ah yes, occasionally people [cambridge people] come up to me and tell me that they've seen the website and think it's really good. well it's the summer now so you wont see me around, so

9th june

hello everyone, i have made the beautiful page better as you can see if you go and look at it [now please send me stuff to put on it] +++ the main page should load faster now as i have taken out the pointless blobby effect on the main trip hq sign. > sometimes when you load the main page you get 423 {or something} instead of a picture, sorry, can't help that, it's not my fault. if you would still like to play with the old trip hq sign go here: "I'VE GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH MY TIME"

30th may>>>>>

today, i suggest that you buy the new looper album/// and see if you can find my blatantly looper infulenced addition to the website. < oh, and another plea to anybody who finds this website who doesn't allready know us: please leave a message on our chat board so that we know you've passed our way. > see you later, love you all.

....27th may:

i have added a new page today dedicated to all our friends. at the moment it's got some of stoo's poetry on it and that's all. so if you have anything [anything at all ~ words, pictures, thoughts, anything] that you would like me to put up then please send it to me. my email address is

>>>19th may

i don't know why, because i blatantly don't have time for this but i've spent the whole afternoon messing about with the main page//// and it looks even cooler now don't you think???!!!!

///17th may

so it seems news of trip has spread accross the atlantic/ and what with philip out in n z we are truly an international sensation.
\\\\more page updates comming soon, ~do you like the new front page artwork??? there is more artwork on it's way]]]
everybody keep your fingers crossed that we get the charlbury free festival gig\ then soon will we be able to release our unique sound on the masses again... i greatly miss the family trip, and the music we share/// but for now i must put up with the life of the university casual [only not so casual/// far too much like hard work] >>>anyway thankyou for visiting trip hq //if you haven't done so allready, please visit our
message board cos i do love to hear from you people.

///11th may

i've been really busy lately, and what with all the excitement surronding the message board i haven't updated the rest of the site. >>>i'm glad everone is using it and leaving messages and stuff>>> if you look closely you will find news from wheat of a possible live date in august.


30th april 2000

it's here! i've finished the message board, it's called the trip forum. i've got now idea what people would want to discuss on it ~ i just wanted one. but now it's here you have to go and leave a message on it. you can then reply to other people's messages and everything!!!

28th april 2000

wahay! the counter's in triple figures! our little internet site must be popular. >>> i've started work on a fully functional messaging bullitin board system extraordinare and it should be up and running very soon, everyone has to come and leave messages on it, if only to make me feel like the effort of learning unix was worth it.

and! someone has decided to give us some feed back on the site! wow! {even if it was someone we know very well} ~~if you're reading this and you don't actually know anyone in the band please email us and say so, this would make us feel very good, all you have to do is click here.

/// what's happening to trip i hear you say. well i'm {that's gibbs} back at uni now and wilkes will be soon, but we are planning to do stuff {watch this space ok, for news of possible gigs, festival appearances and releases} /my next mission is to compile some of our newer tracks on a new demo.

i'm sorry we didn't do any gigs over the easter holidays but, well we're useless fuckwits after all and didn't get it sorted ~ we did manage to record some stuff and phil of course recorded an entire album in two weeks before he went away ~
and we were too busy having a good time >>> seeing
hefner and murry the hump at the point which was just an excellent little gig >>> and it was our friend poppy's 18th the other day which deserves a mention, i personally had an amazing time.

what a lot of news that was!


14th april 2000

phil has now departed for n. z. ///but keep an eye on these pages cos we still plan to be doing stuff soon. if you're hungry for new stuff to see on the website then go to 'things to read' here we will be building up some of wilkes' writings.

we recorded a very good song today, it's not finished yet, but it might appear on a demo soon.

don't forget to email your comments <<< and resond to phil's survey.


2nd April 2000

if you look under 'things to see' you will find some new stuff >>> including a survey.

here is some band news: phil is going to n z for a while <<< so even though we're sounding excellent at the moment you wont be able to hear us in our full glory for a while as phil is a very necessary part or our sound / we will be keeping in touch which phil via these pages so look out for this.

31st March 2000

you wont be able to tell that i updated the page today unless you've got a low resolution monitor, the main page should now look like it's supposed to on all monitors. i'm learning this web stuff slowly, hoping to add a message board and some animations next.

24th March 2000

someone told me that some people actually look at our website reasonably often to see if i've updated it. thankyou those who do, and just for you: you'll find some some lyrics, a slightly more complete discography {we have billions of songs, i haven't got around to listing them all} and some new artwork and poetry and stuff if you look hard enough...

10th March 2000

Well I said it would be updated gradually. I hope you like the new look links. Yeah, yeah, i know the site would be better with frames, but i'm not clever enough for that. Anyway, soon there should be a whole load of new stuff on the site including lyrics and stuff, all courtesy of phil. later...

13th Jan 2000

Welcome to trip's website, i know that at the moment it's pretty poor as websites go. Yesterday i decided it would be cool to make a website, but today i realised that this will actually involve some effort on my part. But you (yes you) can play your part by sending in comments, gig reviews, reviews of our demo tapes, or any random thing you want to send me.

As far as band news goes, well, there isn't any. Trip are forced to lie dormant during term time as two of us are at uni in far off places, but don't worry, come easter time we'll be ready to hit the oxford scene once more with our unique sounds.